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Status: Needs Review

things new-comers must learn to

A student who has been in mischief
writes to apologize or make the matter
right with you. To avoid a direct apology he
says, "someone told me that you said the other
day I was in that plot I was exceedingly
sorry to hear that because I really wasn't in it
at all". He can then get you to say that
you never said such a thing at all to any one
and that if he wasn't in it, it is all very well.

Foreign words in Chinese :-
葡萄 p'u t'ao grapes from Greek Βo'τρus?
司馬遷 in 91 BC. says that grapes and horses
were introduced from Fergana & Arabia

西瓜 water melon is from Greek σik'va

蘿蔔 lo-po radish is from Greek ρa'ϕn

Japanese word for incense is 安息香 Ansoku ko
The above word in China means Parthia

Pomegranate in China is "the Parthian fruit"
or 安息榴

獅 shih lion is said to come from Persian "shir"
The Persian word "[Yesumbord?] 耀森文 was adopted
in the Chinese trans. of Indian [books?] on astronomy
in the 8th cent.

The words 婆彈 Satan, and 彌尸訶
Messiah appear in two or three differt forms
in Chinese writings of the T'ang era.

The Hebrew and Shedek (攝提格) appeared
in Chinese works on astronomy

The Japanese word Maru (丸 or 麻呂) once
used in sense of "Master" "God" "Saint" now used as
name of a ship is traced to [?] "Mar", Mars
or Mari meaning "Master" "God". In China the
characters 摩 or 麻囉 is used for 麻呂
玻璃 poli glass, first manufactured in China 424 AD
comes from Turkish billur, cf. polish

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