Folio 19r




Status: Complete
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In chomincando dalmeridiano
sito delmare insulla stretta bocha
chemiglia sedici elargho ilchanale
et a daogni parte monte erocha
sta lacitta disetta laqualsale
segiorni agrecho disopra amorocha
ealtretanto edirinpetto adessa
permezzo di lagrancitta difessa

Disotto asetta forse mille miglia
giu perquelito sapocho notitia
dandarvi luomo dirado sichonsiglia
neper diletto neper avaritia
et gia nefuron che permaraviglia
volon passare piuo oltre chontrestitia
diloro edilorgiente fertalgita
chemai poi nonsi seppe dilorvita

In queste mille miglia dimarina
verso libecco trouovi prima arzilla
et poi laracha le asai vicina
salle poi seghuie cheuna buona villa
unfiume che alato lachonfina
che dalmonte atalante sidistilla
permezzo fessa passa echoncinquanta
miglia insila et ad setta altretanta

[Image: The Mediterranean Sea in gray-green running from the top to the bottom of the page, with the East-West axis turned vertical. Four brown islands are shown in the Mediterranean toward the bottom of the page. Three rivers extend from the Mediterranean, each leading to a walled city ranged vertically along the right side of the page. The uppermost city is only gray-blue walls, the middle city shows a large building in the same gray-blue and tower surrounded by walls, while the lower city shows a large domed building, perhaps a mosque, surrounded by gray-blue walls. The uppermost city is shown on an island surrounded by a river. The Red Sea is depicted in the upper right, separate from the Mediterranean, but connected by one of the rivers.]

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