




Dear Family, Sat. 21 April

Happy Easter I hope you had. I'm planning on sneaking into the Krauters with Bob tomorrow while they are at church and hiding chocolate Easter eggs. The tradition must go on. Did you get my card. Probably. I just got back today from Berlin, I wrote Betty about part of it. It was amazing - to see how real it is - soldiers w/ machine guns mine fields, dogs, etc. Apparently it went up in one night and separated families caught off guard. There was a really interest museum at Checkpoint Charley about all the escapes and show the tools or armored car or whatever they used. Really amazing stories. Boy it sure is nice to be not in a communist country. The trip through DDR fell through because too much trouble, money, and I was tired. Are you really going to buy a house? I never thought you would. It would be nice but don't sell our house. You didn't say you would but I think we have a very nice house. It would be fun to be able to stay at the beach sometimes. How exciting. Thanks for saying I can stay here as long as I want. Steve sounds psyched to come in the summer - I am also. Where's our heritage from in Scotland that Jeff visited? I bought poppy seeds today - first time I've seen them. I'm psyched about my classes this quarter - I've read some Nietzche which is really funny & interesting - really brutal on Christianity. Do you remember Dad? I bet you liked him. Also the Naziz Propoganda class is interesting. I'm also painting Tues. nights for no credit (oil painting). I've already whipped off a painting - real fast - I did it

Last edit almost 6 years ago by EOwen


kind of abstract like with lots of colors I never used before (Pete Ig's recommendation). The teacher said "You have too much talent." I told him not to be boring & tell me something I didn't already know. (Ha-Ha joke) I finished before anyone else had barely started. Was much fun - his criticism was that it was not definitive enough. I didn't learn anything from him though. It was fun to paint again.

Brian is fine. He had B-day on the 18th & we all were touring Berlin together most of the time. Nothing romantic though. Oh well. them's the breaks. He's really nice. It sounds awful at the Ig's house. I hope things are better. Mike will probly write again one of these months. In case I haven't said yet,

I sure am glad Patty is all right. What a relief. During 3-week break, when we were near the ocean I sure appreciated it. I never knew how nice it is to be close to it. I told Steve to buy a car - and that Spain would probly be better than Greece to see since the language is understandable. Well thanks for writing. Love, Anne

[written in flap of airmail letter Have you, Dad, found a replacement for Linda?]


Peter 25136 La Loma Dr. Low Altos Hills, Calif. U.S.A. 94022

Absender: Anne Peters Landgut Bung D7056 Beutelsbach Germany

[Hope Leroy. Smeltz & Sahib are still fine]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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