


Status: Complete

No. 9 Series II. Form B. 5.

II - Menstruation:
First menstruation at what age? and when thoroughly established?
almost 16. 20 before it was well established
Condition as regards menstruation
a) how frequent? reg after 20 yr
b) is it regular or not?
c) amount. how many napkins?
d) duration? 6
e) pain or not? [checkmark above pain] At what time as to the flow, before, during, after? first 3 days in morning [?] off later
f) Is there any leucorrhoea (whites)? character?
constant or occasional? [written across this section not to [amount?] [?] ]
g) - have you pain either frequently or habitually in the
head, small of the back? abdomen or limbs?
h) disease or trouble in Uterus (womb) or other pelvic organs?
Once for about six months prolapis. Husband attended her cause
from too much walking during menstrual period. 1 1/2 years after 1st child was born
i) habit of bowels; how often? tendency [?] constipation


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