H. F. Coolidge


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2 revisions
MikeH at Sep 19, 2020 01:50 AMRevision changes

H. F. Coolidge

Herbert Francis Coolidge (1874-1966) enrolled at Stanford in 1899 and continued to be enrolled until March of 1904 when he took a leave of absence due to overwork, and never returned. He was involved in many activities at Stanford including President and Secretary of the YMCA, a contributor to the literary journal Sequoia, the "Quad" board, the Student Guild Executive Committee, the Press Club, the Quadrangle Club, assistant editor of the Stanford Handbook, etc. He married Harriet Henrietta Brown '02 in June of 1904. After a brief stay in San Jose the couple moved to the Santa Barbara area. Herbert was a writer of fiction and published several books.

H. F. Coolidge