Untitled Page 1


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3 revisions
MikeH at Aug 21, 2020 09:43 AM

Untitled Page 1

Omaha, July 10, 1893

Mrs Leland Stanford,

Dear Madame.

As the one to whom Bishop Newman has
committed the care of his mail and other matters, during his visit
to South America, I write to say I have just received a letter from
the Bishop, dated May 30, in which he states, he has not heard anything
from home for three months. He was on shipboard when writing this
letter and is now on the east coast, having finished his episcopal
visitation of the west coast. He will remain for five or six weeks
on the east coast and then return home. I am sending his mail to
Buenos Ayres [sic] and shall continue to do so for a short time to come.
I presume he has written you since the senator's decease, but fearing
in his absence prevented from receiving his mail, such communication
had been cut off, I make the above statement of his whereabouts and
plan for returning home. I am sure that among the vast number of
warm friends and ardent admirers of your precious husband, Bishop Newman
stands foremost and were he where he could reach you, you would find
him and wife near your [sic] in this hour of great bereavment [sic]. The reli-
gious papers of all the churches have spoken in the kindest terms
of the grand man, that we have all learned to love and revere and
none more so than those of the Methodist Episcopal Church. If you
should desire at any time, any or all of these notices, I would be
willing to forward them to you. Certainly the kindest and the best
things have been said by the churches of your lamented husband. Truly

Untitled Page 1

Omaha, July 10, 1893

Mrs Leland Stanford,
Dear Madam,

As the one to whom Bishop Newman has
committed the care of his mail and other matters, during his visit
to South America, I write to say I have just received a letter from
the Bishop, dated May 30, in which he states, he has not heard anything
from home for three months. He was on shipboard when writing this
letter and is now on the east coast, having finished his episcopal
visitation of the west coast. He will remain for five or six weeks
on the east coast and then return home. I am sending his mail to
Buenos Ayres and shall continue to do so for a short time to come.
I presume he has written you since the senator's decease, but fearing
in his absence prevented from receiving his mail, such communication
had been cut off, I make the above statement of his whereabouts and
plan for returning home. I am sure that among the vast number of
warm friends and ardent admirers of your precious husband, Bishop Newman
stands foremost and were he where he could reach you, you would find
him and wife near your in this hour of great bereavment. The reli-
gious papers of all the churches have spoken in the kindest
terms of the grand man, that we have all learned to love and revere and
none more so than those of the Methodist Episcopal Church. If you
should desire at any time, any or all of these notices, I would be
willing to forward them to you. Certainly the kindest and the best
things have been said by the churches of your lamented husband. Truly