Untitled Page 15




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help me a little, as I would
go into raising berries and
other kinds of fruit if I could
just get a place of my own.
I dont ask you to give the
money to me. only lend it untill
I can get started in business
I can buy a place here for $1000
dollars. its a good farm, but the
party wants five hundred down
and the rest can remain on
a mortgage. I can give you
all the references that you wish.
I am a hard working woman. And
I have a poor mother to care for.
and I am just as honest a woman
as the day is long. And I have
meet with a great deal of trouble
I have had everything burnt up

by a fire. All of my household
goods and clothing only what I
had on, so you see mrs stanford,
that I am having rather hard
luck. So please dont be offend
at me for writing to you, as
I have buried a dear husband, so
I know how to pity any one else.

now please to let me hear
from you. I send you
my address envelop.

yours Respt

Mebry T Ogden

Feeding Hills, Mass. Box 10

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