Untitled Page 17




Status: Complete

Dec. 20th 1901

Mrs Stanford

I have saw your nam in the Newspapers,
as being a charitable woman, I am a poor
woman with four children to provide for,
my oldest is a girl she is crippled with
Spinal complaint, and can not help me
much, it is so hard to pay house rent,
and buy clothing, and get sompthing [sic] to
eat, those that have plenty do not know what
a hard time a poor widow and orphans does
have, I haven't relation to depend on it is
Christmas times, and how it does make
my heart ache to think I can not get
anything for my children like other people.
Mrs Stanford will you help me a little.
I would be so thankful I am so poor
I am glad to get old clothing from
others, if you would help me a little
I would remember your name with
gratitude as long as I live. I am respect-
able and honest, I do not want to do
any thing wrong. Womans heart is

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