Untitled Page 12




Status: Indexed


The Times is glad to be able to
state that it has received from authen-
tic and absolutely reliable sources
a complete and satisfactory refuta-
tion of the rumor concerning the al-
leged Tia Juana gambling concession
to Jesse Grant. This rumor has re-
ceived a good deal of publcity at the
hands of the eastern press, and it
gives The Times much satisfaction to
say that Mr. Grant has been at no
time in any way connected with the
land-grant scheme which is to have
a huge gambling and lottery concern
for one of its main features. Mr.
Grant applied for no concession
whatever for privileges of any kind
at Tia Juana. It is true that he was
asked to apply for a concession, but
he refused to do so. Then he was
asked for permission to have appli-
cation made by others, in his name,
but he declined positively and point
blank to permit such use of his name.
If application has been made for any
such concession in Mr. Grant's name,
it is with even less warrant than if
the applicant had used the name of
Senator Perkins or Senator White
without their authority, since (need-
less to say) neither of those gentle-
men has refused to apply for the con-
cession, directly or indirectly, while
Mr. Grant has.

That other persistent and annoy-
ing report with regard to the money
allowed Mr. Grant for expenses dur-
ing the memorial week, would not
have gained such wide circulation
had its desseminators looked more
closely into the plan of the committee
on entertainment, which was to as-
sume entirely the expenses of all in-
vited guests. Mr. Grant has in no
wise reflected on his distinguished
family by his action in either affair.

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