Untitled Page 10




Status: Indexed


I know of nothing at present that would be of interest to write you.
I wish to inform you however, that I have signed the contracts in your
name for the addition to my house as instructed and the lowest bidder
was a Mr. Thompson, his figure being $11,500. Mr. Thompson is a brother
in law of Mr. McGilvray. The highest bid was over $13,000. Previous
to letting out the contracts, the excavation was made for the cellar, so
the work now can be commenced immediately. The time limit to complete
the work is September 1st, 1902.

I am pleased to inform you that we are all quite well here and I
hope on receipt of this communication it will find you and party enjoying
the same.

If you are enjoying your visit, why not remain longer, providing
you are well.

Your affectionate brother

[signed] Chas G. Lathrop

P.S. Also enclose letter received from a party in New Zealand. I think
this is one of them fake letters and I might suggest your sending same to
Mr. Thomas Welton Stanford, and he would probably be able to find out
something regarding same.

Saturday, May 17th, 1902

Dear Sister:

I was obliged to come to town this morning to affix my
signature as representing yourself and the University, to contracts
for putting in tables, etc. etc. in the new Chemical Dept. I hope this
building will be ready for occupancy in September next, although I am a
little doubtful, but I am urging Mr. Day to do his utmost so there will
be no delay.

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