Untitled Page 16




Status: Complete

in with her.

The Clevelands have almost
[retired] from the world, keeping
constantly at the
country-house, that only
[their] intimates see then
[ ] all, but I guess they
[will] bloom out in good

It is so comfortable
[working] now, just doing
weddings and general
gossip and not having
[to] go to parties at
night. Yet I am [ ]
busy as a bee, and
don't think the rich
people begin to get as
much fun as I do, even
if I do work. Yesterday my
half holiday was spent
in hanging the curtains and
putting the finishing touches
to the house cleaning and
although my poor old bones
ache today from so much
stretching, it does not count.
Then the old clothes to put
in order and all the little
furbishing up to keep
company front for the next
four months has not left
me an idle minute
lately. We have a new
parlor carpet, bought
with the extra money saved

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