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Vina, Calif Sept. 5 1893

Mrs. Jane L. Stanford,

Menlo Park, Calif.

Dear Madam:-
I received your telegram of yesterday, as follows:-
"See that all the men who can be spared from the ranch are put to work
"picking grapes before any others are hired."
In order to make sure that your instructions given during your visit here to the same end had been carried out, I made inquiry of Mr. Copeland, Mr. Staubes and Mr. Guptil whether they had any spare men, or men who could be spared from their work and put to work picking grapes. They replied that all were in the vineyard who would pick grapes at all, some prefering to lay off rather than pick grapes, assigning various reasons for [crossed out] doing so. Such men are laid off awaiting payment. All others, I believe, are at work- at least I was so informed.
I am now in receipt of your letter of September 4th., relating to the same subject, and the above will constitute a reply so far as I am able to give it. I will, however, make still further inquiry today whether there are any men who could possibly be induced to take hold of the work of grape harvest, and will specially urge them to do so.
I am quite sure that the gentlemen in charge of the various departments fully understand the importance of acting upon the

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