Untitled Page 10




Status: Complete

them. They have also been exhibited in the
Picasso Musuem in Amsterdam and in Utrecht this
winter and have been much admired by such
art critics as Mr. Chase. The collection is now
on its way to St. Louis and will be placed
in the Dutch Art Department where it can be
seen at the opening of the Exposition.

My husband and I sail for America in a
few days and if you should wish to cor-
respond with us in regard to this matter,
letters would reach us care of

Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart

No. 7 Locust St.

Flushing, Long Island

The collection is valued at present at 150,000
guilders ($60,000) and the buyer is expected to
pay the cost of transport from Holland to
America as well as duty. There are 102 pictures
in the collection. See catalogue inclosed.
My husband prefers that you negotiate with him,
as one of the board of directors, rather than with
the art dealer who has them in charge in St. Louis.

Respectfully Yours,

Mrs. Vincent [Liorjes?] Shepard

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