Untitled Page 21




Status: Indexed

pressure of his warm
hand while you were
standing by his side.
The everlasting arms are
shielding you now - and
me - and when our work
is well done here - will
bear us lovingly away to
to our Beloved in the
Better Land - how much
you are relieving dear
Uncle Leland from - How
sorely these days would
try him- were he here -
Now he sees to the end
- stands by you and helps

you in every trial - and
dear Leland by his side.
How can we be grateful
enough to our Heavenly
Father for all His tender
mercy and loving kindness
Gertrude and Joe talk of
you lovingly each day - they
know how to feel deeply and
tenderly for Aunt Jennie.
It is a consolation to me
that you have little Jennie's
pure loving face to greet you
when you turn from
grievous burdens. Uncle
Leland loved her - and
that is a comfort to you.

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