Central Pacific Railroad Company: documents

1866: Report to Andrew Johnson signed by L. Stanford, Sam S. Montaune, Charles Crocker (photostat); 1868, March 20: Agreement on lands for RR terminus, S.P. , C.P., Stanford, Lloyd Tevis, H.N. Carpentier, W. B. Carr and George Hearst; 1868, May 31: list of securities, signed by L. Stanford; 1868, Dec. 5: L. Stanford note re stock mailed to J. Stanford; 1869, Feb. 27: memorandum of securities deposited in name of J. L. Stanford, signed by L. Stanford; 1876, June 20: L. Stanford deposition; 1878, Sept. 10: A.P. Stanford to L. Stanford, release; 1888, Jan. 7: Report in letter form to Rufus Blodgett from Richard (?), inscribed to Stanford


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Pacific Insurance Company

Captial Stock $1000000 Gold.

San Francisco June 30th 1869

Received from the Pacific In Co. Company of Bonds of Central Pacific Rail Co as follows.

Thirty nine 39 coupons. $30 each due July 1st 1869 = $1170

Forty three coupon due Jany 1st 1869 thirty dollars each = $1290

Forty three coupon thirty-dollars each due July 18 = $1290

125 - Total $3750

Owe Bond - no coupon due The about being taken from Bonds held as security for note L. Stanford 75.000- dated Aug 1st 1868

Leland Stanford fr John N. Allgne

Last edit about 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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United States of America

State of California

To this excellency Andrew Johnson President and the Hon H McCulloch, the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

The Central Pacific Rail Road Company of California beg lease to report and State; that said Company has under and insurance of the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled "The act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri Rivier to the Pacific Ocean and to Secure to the Government the use of the same for postal military and other purposes" approved July 1 1862 and the acts amendatory there of approved July 2nd 1864 March 3rd 1865 and July 3rd 1886. Fully completed and equipped at this date Sevety nine miles of the railroad and telegraph line provided for by said Acts and the same is now in running order and read for the service completed by said Acts that said seventy nine miles of said railroad and telegraph line is constructed and equipped in the manner required by said acts and the same is fully supplied with all necessary drains culverts [naducts?] crossings sidings bridges turnouts watering-places depots

Last edit about 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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Leland Stanford Samuel [Stontague?] and Charles Croctier being duly Sworn by me Emund D. Shirland County Clerk of Sacramento County California and ex office Clerk of the District Court of the 6th Judicial District of said State the same being a Court of record say that they are the offices of said Company as above state and that the matters and thing set forth in the foregoing report and statement are true.

Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 13th day of October 1866

Edmond D Shirland

County Cleark and ex-office clerk of the District Court of the 6th Judicial District Sacramento County California

Last edit about 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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equipment furniture rolling stock cars locomotives and all the appurtenances of a first class railroad that the rails and other iron used in the construction and equipment of the same are of American manufacture and of the best quality that the track of said railroad is of the uniform width and gauge of four feet eight and one half inches and the grades and curves of the same do not exceed the maximum grades and curves of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad that the maximum grades there of do not exceed ten degrees or a radius of five hundred and seventy three feet that fifty four miles of the said line of railroad and telegraph were completed and equipped as afore said on or before the first day of December 1865 and the other and remaining twenty five miles of said seventy nine miles have been completed and equipped as afore said since the said 1st day of December 1865 and prior to this date. Sacramento October 1866

Leland Stanford Prest C.P.R.R.C Sam S [Minvlayrs?] Acting Chief Engineer C.P.R.R.C Charles Crocker Gen Supt C.P.R.R.C

Last edit about 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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Salt Lake Dec 5th 1868 Mailed letter to Mrs Leland Stanford including Certificate of Stock so (1006) one thousand and six four (1000) one thousand shares stock in the Central Pacific RR Co of California

Leland Stanford

Last edit about 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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