Untitled Page 3


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3 revisions
alexander.nguyen at Apr 15, 2020 08:55 PM

Untitled Page 3

might well be a part of our education.
The Greeks and Romans were comparatively
highly educated but lacked a true [lennuan?]
civilization. I am pretty well satisfied
that such a civilization will never exist
without a belief in the immorality of the
would and the beneficence and justice
of all the laws of the creator. It is
apparent to me that the very necessities
of our existence are bought to me but
for this man would make no effort either
intellectual or physical and the [lennman?]
race would soon [divide?] and [eventually?]

I think we should keep
steadily before the students the fact that
our aim is to fit men to realize possibilities
of humanity in order that our graduates
may in a measure become missionaries
to spread correct ideas of civilization.
I am satisfied that mankind has made
more progress in civilization within the
last century than in all preceding
centuries from the fall of the Roman
empire. Intellectual a moral development
alone are not sufficient to [similulate?]
true civilisation of man there must

Untitled Page 3

might well be a part of our education.
The Greeks and Romans were conparatively
highly educated but lacked a true [lennuan?]
civilization. I am pretty well satisfied
that such a civilization will never exist
without a belief in the immorality of the
would and the beneficence and justice
of all the laws of the creator. It is
apparent to me that the very necessities
of our existence are bought to me but
for this man would make no effort either
intellectual or physical and the [lennman?]
race would soon [divide?] and [eventually?]

I think we should keep
steadily before the students the fact that
our aim is to fit men to realize possibilities
of humanity in order that our graduates
may in a measure become missionaries
to spread correct ideas of civilization.
I am satisfied that mankind has made
more progress in civilization within the
last century than in all preceding
centuries from the fall of the Roman
empire. Intellectual a moral development
alone are not sufficient to [similulate?]
true civilisation of man there must