




September 27, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Everything has been going just wonderfully. All of my classes have proved to be very interesting, even Economics. I have read half of my Economics already, but I don't understand any of it very well, and I have a horrible time getting everything in class, but I just take all the notes I can, and then try to figure everything out when I get home. We are going to have a test in there next Friday; so I am trying hard to get well prepared for it . I have also read quite a bit of my colonial history, and of course that is my favorite. But we have to read two books a week besides the text, and I just don't know how I will ever get it done, reading as slow as I do. I'm now reading a book about Prince Henry the Navigator, and it is very interesting. I have only been to international law class twice; so I can't really tell as yet how well I will like that.

We had the most fun last night you can imagine. The Juniors gave a cocoa party for the new girls - that consisted of cake and cocoa around the fire at ten-thirty. While all the girls were eating and singing in the living room, the Juniors were out in the kitchen washing up. The kitchen window faces the Phi Delt house; so we began singing Phi Delt songs, and of course all the Phi Delts came to their windows just as we hoped they would, and we snag back and forth for about half an hour, then we went up on the balcony on the third floor and sang some more. They kept turning on the lights in one of the rooms, and every time some boy in green and white striped pajamas would jump up and hide. Things calmed down after a while, but just as every one was getting to sleep, all these boys came running down the back alley. They gathered in the volleyball court between the Phi Delt house and our house and started to serenade us. The Phi Delts kept yelling at them, and throwing buckets of water down on them, and the boy in the green and white striped pajamas continued to run around. However the other boys got in a few songs before they left.

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


Tonight we went to a football rally. It was the best one I have ever been to. Everyone was there, and so enthusiastic - no one would think of leaving after the first five minutes like they do at S.C. Some man had written a darling new Stanford song called the scalp song which we all practiced. We also practiced a new yell. Of course there were a few speeches, the team was introduced, and we had lots of songs and yells. At the end there was a skit; the heorine was Little Miss Red Rose Bowl, the villain was Idaho Vandal Val, and of course the hero was Little Indian. It ended by Little Miss Red Rose Bowl carrying Little Indian off. We are going to play Idaho tomorrow, and we are certainly hoping to win.

Sandy Power has turned into quite a prospect. On Wednesday he passed by the house while I was out in front, and he came in and stayed for about two hours, I was certainly surprised. Today I happened to run into him while I was going to my two o' clock class. He has one at the same time in the same building, and he asked me out. I couldn't go because of a date with Bob, but we left it that we would make a date very soon. I was quite thrilled. He is very good looking- quite a bit better than he used to be, even the boys think he is good looking; so I guess he must be. He is also very popular with the boys.

As yet my little suitcase hasn't arrived; I hope you didn't forget to send it because it has all my pills, stockings, comb and brush, and all but two pairs of socks. But please don't knock yourself out about it though in sending it.

Please pray for us to win tomorrow; no one around here can hardly sleep thinking about.

Love, Mary

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson
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