




October 19, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just got back from my Economics test, and it is without doubt the worst test I have, ever taken; just to show you why I couldn't pass it, I am enclosing it, just so you will understand. I was all supposed to be done in an hour, and that was the main trouble, I couldn't possibly finish it. As a matter of fact I couldn't even do the last one, because I had to hand it in before I got to it. I had read all the material and then studied for four hours just reviewing it. It was rather discouraging to have it turn out like that. One of the correctors is a senior in the house, and she said she had never seen such a hard economics test. She said Professor Haley usually gave one very hard test in the quarter, and I just hope this is it. The other test was so nice, and I was so pleased with the grade I got in it, now after that it is sort of dissapointing.

Charlotte Hyland is up here today with another friend. They arrived about five minutes [after?] twelve, and had lunch with us. They stayed a while after lunch and talked and then went out to view the campus, I couldn't go because of my test, but they foundsome friends and a car; so they really saw the campus. After they came back from seeing the place, they were absolutely crazy about it, and admitted that it was much nicer than UCLA and definitely much nicer than USC, as everyone has to. I took them to the cellar and introduced them to everyone. Now they are resting.

My social life is beginning to look very prosperous. Jack Carpenter called and asked me to go out, and I was so thrilled because I had such a nice time with him before. In fact I am going out with him tonight. I finally met Arthur Matthews. It was a very feeble introduction and I doubt if he really does ever ask me out; anyway, he and Jack Carpenter are good friends, so if he wants to take me out, Arthur won't bother. They are both very good friends of Dick Huntsburger, who is also a Delt. I have seen him around a couple of times, and talked with him. There is a girl in the house, Janet Spear, who has two boys who claim they want to take me out. I am

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


going out with one of them tomorrow night, his name is Lin Wolfe, and the other I am going to see for an hour on Monday night. I have not heard from Bob.

I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know about what time Margie will arrive here on Friday, and if she has any idea what meals she will be here for over the weekend, for I have to sign her in for meals. Everything is all arranged about her bed. I would also appreciate it if you could send me some Dreft, or something. I have absolutely nothing with which to wash my clothes.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson
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