




December 10, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just came out of a four hour final, and it really lasted four hours. All I have to show for it now is a sore finger. It was in Colonial History. I studied for it about twelve hours yesterday, and some last week too, so I felt that I knew quite a bit. However, that remains to be seen. The test was sort of funny, because it completely covered everything possible, and then as a last question you were suppose to write on the most significant development that you hadn't already written about. I guess he just put that in so we would be sure and not leave anything out. I still have to study for my other two tests. International Law is only two hours long, but Economics if four and I certainly dread that. I'm sure that it will take four hours too, because the Professor feels that you should always have the material at the tip of your tongue, and he never allows you any time to figure anything out, and I certainly have to. I am going to spend the rest of the day reading my international Law book. I certainly hope it does some good.

Yesterday was senior breakfast, and the Juniors always have to give a skit about the seniors and all their little odities. We all got up early Sunday morning to work it out, which we should have done last week some time. We finally got it together, which wasn't too terribly hard since there were only three girls graduating. We arranged it all so that the good and bad consciences of the girls were carrying on a conversation. I was a good conscience of one of them, and I had to write a little poem of about four verses to read. After the skit, we sang a little song that we had made up. The Seniors have to put on a little skit too about what is going to happen in twenty years or so, and then they read a will leaving silly things to everyone. There was also an engagement which was a complete surprise to everyone, which made it all the more exciting. I was sitting near the door when the door-bell rang, and I got so excited that I couldn't get up, and kept tripping over my bathrobe, and so I had to crawl to the door to open it.

I have made arrangement to drive down on Friday morning with Jack. Carol Chase and his room-mate are going with us. The other boy may not, but even if he doesn't, Carol is going to.

I had an extremely nice time when I went to the symphony with Jack. Jean Crowel and another Delt went with us, and we just felt terribly grand because we sat in the very front box in the first row of boxes. I also had a very wonderful time with Art on Saturday night. We went to that off teers clubs at Noffat Field with three other couples, and had dinner and danced. It was a very nice lively little party. It's too bad that things can't go on like this all the time.

I must go and study for my International Law test now.

Love to all,


Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17
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