




December 31, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Two days of skiing have passed and as yet nothing drastic has happened, except that I get awfully tired and my bones ache all over. Needless to say, I have been having a perfectly wonderful time. Both Mrs. Lipman and Mrs. Castigan were nice to me.

On Saturday I went with Ruth to a luncheon that her cousin was giving. I was scared to death to go because I didn't know a soul, but they were all the nicest girls, and when they sat at the table with either me or Ruth, eating or blaying bridge they always kept the conversations general rather

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than local so that I could join in talking, something I can't exactly say about Los Angeles girls. They were all girls that lived in Berkeley and most of them went to Cal. They were all just as nice as they could be, and I really felt more at home and enjoyed myself more than at the luncheon I went this summer.

On Saturday night Ruth's cousin Margaret came over for dinner, and we had just a hysterical time. Little Charley Lipman was going to a formal dnace and he absolutely would not wear his good blue suit to the party, and that created a war. Everyone in the house, even me, tried to use their persuasive powers to get him to wea the suit, but it didn't do any good whatsoever.

We left at five-thirty on Sunday morning. Although Ruth and I insisted that she not do it, Mrs. Lipman was up and had a huge breakfast waiting

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for us. There were six of us in the car: Mrs. Castigan, Peter Castigan, [Willie?], Ruth, me and a friend of [Willie's?] named Delight Dawns who is just an adorable girl. She is a sophomore and a Pi Phi at Cal. [Willie's?] father couldn't come with us because he had to work on the estate. Mrs. Castigan said he was so disappointed that he didn't get to come, that he gave her and Peter all kinds of extra money to treat us all day long. At every meal there was a huge fight, but when it ended, they had bought each one of us three meals. I really felt badly about it, but there wasn't much I could do.

We arrived at Yosemite about

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twelve-thirty and spent the rest of the day getting settled and driving around with Mrs. Castigan and Peter seeing all the sights. We were all so tired that we were in bed by about eight o'clock.

Today and yesterday we have done nothing but try and ski. I was really very surprised to find that I hadn't forgotten as much as I thought I had, nevertheless I still have a little trouble; I can't turn at all, and you just have to be able to do that if you ever want to be able to ski well at all. I have had a couple of very remarkable runs in which I got down the slope someway or another without falling at all.

My ski clothes have been just wonderful, especially the boots, everyone has been simply mad for those.

There aren't too many people up here that we know very well, but lots of people that we know rather [politely?], but at the end of the week there are going to be some other girls from the house up. I hope you all have a happy time on [Well Hears?]. Love to all, Mary

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