




January 28, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I can imagine how displeased you are with me at this point, and I really didn't mean to neglect writing, but I kept putting it off until I had something interesting to say, and then I got going in such a whirlwind that I couldn't stop. I really feel awfully guilty, and I promise not to let it happen again. I hope you wern't to shocked to find that I was at Yosemite last week-end. I know I should have let you know that I was definitely going. I knew that you wouldn't care because there were so many girls in the house going, and besides you didn't seem to care last winter when I made plans to go on the week-ends, even though I never went. Nevertheless, I feel very badly that I didn't write and especially that I didn't tell you of my plans.

I shudder to think that I haven't even told you what I did week-end before last. I'm sure that I mentioned the fact that I was going to the symphony with Jack on that Thursday night. We went with George and a darling girl that lives across the street named Virginia Titus. She is a transfer, and just missed moving into our house. Every one was just crushed when she didn't, especially since no one particularly cares for the girl that moved in her place. The symphony wasn't especially good, except for a symphony Sibelius, which was certainly worth sitting through ten horrible symphonies to hear. After the symphony we went to get something to eat, and George and Jack are just so funny when ever they are together that you nearly break your sides laughing. We saw lots of people at the symphony that we knew. Bob was there, but I only saw him at a distance; so I didn't speak to him. He seemed very engrossed in a conversation with some girl anyway. I haven't seen anything of him at all, and all I have heard about him is that he is taking Carol

Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17



Chase out this week-end. We also saw this little Frenchman named Pierre. I don't remember whether I told you about him or not, but he is a French exchange student at Cal. that all the Delts sort of attached to themselves when they were up skiing. He was just an hysterical person, and he told the funniest little stories, especially how he was able to get money out of the French government. We saw him during the intermission and of course he had lots more little stories of interest, in fact I got to laughing so hard that I dropped a Coke bottle on the floor, and of course it broke and the Coke went all over the floor. All the older sedate people turned around and looked at me very strangely and I got terribly embarassed.

Friday of that week was awfully funny. I didn't have a date that night because neither Jack nor Art had asked me out, and the only people who had were Jim Miller and some strange Alpha Delt that I had never seen; so I thought I would enjoy myself much more if I just stayed home. The only trouble was that George found out I wasn't going out, and that there were several of the other girls that wern't either. So he called up and asked all these girls to go out with different Delta. It was very funny because the way it was arranged no one could say who was going with whom it was just as George arranged it. The thing about it was that all the boys were boys that girls are just dying to go out with. I went with a boy named Lloyd McGovern, and then Carol went with one named Jerry Seake, and Judy Peake went with Ned Gates, and George and his date. Lloyd is the funniest boy in the world. He is extremely nice very tall and good looking, and very interested in sports, but he really doesn't have a brain in his head. He studies all the time, but it just doesn't seem to get him anywhere. He is always a wonderful person to have at a party because he knows all these hysterical little tunes on the piano, and he will sit down and play for people all

Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17



evening and they never get tired of listening to him. Naturally we all had an awfully funny evening - everyone got along very well, and the boys did nothing but play jokes all evening. George told me later that Lloyd was one of the boys that asked him to get him a date with me at the beginning of last quarter, but George wouldn't because he said that Lloyd wasn't my type - the reason being that Lloyd wasn't intelligent enough or it would be better to say to scatterbrained. The reason he had me go with him was to prove to Lloyd that he really didn't want to take me out, but George said that Lloyd told him later he thought he played him a dirty trick by not getting him a date with me in the first place rather than Art or Jack. Of course that made me feel grand, but I'm sure he won't ask me out.

I am going to have to go now because my practice hour is arriving, and if I don't use it I'll be sort of lost as far as my music lesson is concerned. I wasn't able to get a very good times for practicing, and I always have a piano from two to five on Tuesday; so I have to go and make the most of it. I'll write again tomorrow and continue this small manuscript. I would have started writing yesterday, but I had a test this morning and I wanted to study for it. I felt that I did quite well on the test; i only hope that that means something. It was in American history.

Love to all,


Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17
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