




February 21, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well I am just about prepared to go skiing; we are leaving right after lunch. Things are arranged just as I told you that they probably would be. I wish you wouldn't worry about my driving up with Jack. It, I'm sure will be alright. People do it all the time, in fact I don't think anyone would think of taking an older person along. After all, I would probably be going out with him tonight anyway, and I won't be with him any longer than I ordinarily would on just a regular date, besides the fact that there will be a lot of other people around. Also, Miss Weed, who is a gym teacher here at school and is thirty-five and very much of an old maid is always up there. She is the advisor for the ski-club. For a while we thought that we wouldn't be able to go because of the impending gas strike, but since it didn't go on, I guess everything will be alright.

This was a very normal week again. The Jack and Art routine is back the same way it was before except that maybe Art is more interested than ever. Every night this week that I have been home he has taked me to the Cellar to get a cup of coffee at ten o'clock. We are having our house dance a week from this Saturday night and I asked Art to come. He seemed so pleased, in fact I have never asked a boy to something - including Bob - because I was already going out with Jack the Friday and Sunday night of that week. Of course Jack will probably get discouraaged and think that that is showing preference, but if he does, I have his socks almost ready; so I'll stuff those down his neck, and he can't possibly complain.

My test on Tuesday wasn't bad at all, in fact when I went in to take it, I felt I knew just about all I could possibly know about the

Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17



material. I had gone over everything three times thoroughly. I started on Sunday afternoon, and did it constantly until Tuesday. The whole test was very factual, and there were a few things that I didn't know, but I feel sure that I must have gotten a B. There is such a thing as feeling over confident however; so I had better not be so sure until I see my test. I didn't have my Law test, but I have spent the rest of the week reading law cases. It's very interesting now; we are studying cases in which the state power of intrastate power conflicts with the federal power of interstate commerce. It seems that now the federal power includes everything though. I also practiced quite a bit, and I had to play for some more Freshman girls last night, but nothing drastic happened, however. I didn't have a music lesson though, because Dr. Popper has been busy transcribing an opera.

The latest news is that Kay, evidentally has stopped going with Bill. She went out with Bud Carpenter the other night, and had a wonderful time with him, but he hasn't made any other moves. Ruth has been going quite strongly with this Buck Brownson, who is a friend of Art's that she got to know up skiing. He is very nice looking and has a very nice, funny personality, but I hate to say he is sort of dumb; so I hope she doesn't get too interested in him.

I must stop now because it is just about time for me to go skiing. I am going to send this letter special delivery so that you will be sure and get it tomorrow. I am sorry that it is so messy, but I had to get it off in a hurry. Please don't worry about my going skiing because I can't possibly see how anything can go wrong. I think I will take some lessons; so that is a nice safe way to ski.

Love to all,


Last edit about 6 years ago by terriertle17
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