




April 13, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I was so pleased to hear that you thought you might be able to make it up here next week-end, only please don't leave Daddy at home. I really imagine that it will be quite hard to make hotel reservations. I have discussed the situation with Mrs. Reynolds and she said that Margie and Martha would be able to sleep here on Friday and Saturday nights, but according to University regulations there can't be any guests in a University residence on other than week-end nights. I have located a couple of beds for them on those nights (Friday & Saturday) so that everything is fixed up as far as that is concerned. I would like to know definitely as soon as possible whether you are arriving or not so that I can make an appointment with the registrar if possible. Of course if he were busy that week-end you might get better results if you phoned him yourself. I wish that even if you couldn't come up you would send Margie and Martha on by themselves. They would have a simply wonderful time by themselves. However, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will all arrive.

Life has calmed down considerably since Art has left the scene. I havn't seen him since last Sunday expect twice to say hello to, but he has taken out Judy Peake for four days in a row. Up until now they have been very good friends, but if this rate keeps up they won't be for very long. I really don't care, in fact there isn't any one I would rather have him take out than Judy. She is just an adorable girl and has a personality much more suited to his than mine, in fact I often used to wonder why he never took her out. The only thing is that it is a little difficult

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp


to have him keep coming over here all the time, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Mrs. Reynolds is constantly teasing me about Judy going out with "my boy friend", and I really don't think many people think about its being a little unusual much as yet because Art and Judy were always such good friends, but I guess it will be evident in a few days. Anyway I am glad the situation is a closed incident, and that Art is dating Judy, and I'm sure in a couple of weeks every thing will be fine.

I went out both nights this week-end with Jack. On Friday night we went to see a movie The "Best Years of Our Lives" which was a very good movie, it seems to me you said you saw it. I do think though that some parts of it were quite exagerated. we went with Virginia and Ralph. Yesterday we went to a track meet with Illie and Ainsley Bell. It was awfully hot and we both practically roasted. It wasn't really very satisfactory because we lost by quite a bit to San Jose State. After the track meet we went to see a base ball game which was much more satisfactory because we won thirteen to three. That was the biggest score that we have had all year. Last night we went to the Officers Club at Moffet Field, which was practically taken over by the Delts. Absolutely every one was out there that I knew including practically every one I know in the house. Naturally everyone had just a tremendous time. This boy LLoyd McGovern who is just as funny as they come, kept everyone in stitches half the evening with his little piano tunes. It really isn't the little tunes that are so entertaining, but the way he plays them and the way he acts when he plays them.

Everyone up here has seemed to be quite excited about Shirley and Bobbie. Many people have spoken to me about it.

I must go and do something constructive now, I feel it is about time.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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