




April 22, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have just spent an active evening of typing and ironing. The last was very successful, especially in view of the fact that I have had to iron both my white and pink dresses six times previously due to scorching. This time something unusual happened and I whized through all my ironing without anything drastic happening. I was so thrilled with my good-luck that I pressed practically everything in my closet for fear that next time I wouldn't be able to iron again. My typing didn't go nearly so well. I typed the same lesson over and over again, trying to get it perfect, and now I've used up all of my paper; so I guess I won't have a lesson to hand in to-morrow.

After you left on Sunday, I want back upstairs and started to study. I had quiet a bit to do because I had a book-report due to next day and a history test on Tuesday moring. I went to church with Sally Teachout at eleven and then came back and studied the rest of the day. Monday I spent the entire time that I wasn't at class studying for the test this morning. The test really wasn't too bad, except that it was too long, and especially for me, since I have to rush thorough a test of ordinary length. I have no idea how I did on it either - the only thing that I was aware of was an awfully sore fingen. I really don't think I have ever written so fast - the professor of the next class had practically already begun to lecture by the time that I left.

I have another test on Friday in Economics. I haven't spent too much time today on it, but I'll concentrate on it absolutely on

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



Wednesday and Thursday and Friday morning. Today I went in to Palo Alto to get some shower presents for this week-end. I only had to get three. One for Virginia Walker, one for Carol Stearns, and one for Anne Carter Huntsburger. Virginia's shower is a kitchen shower and I got her an egg-beater. Carol's is a personal one and I got her a beautiful slip with Ruth and Betty Callander. The shower for them is on Thursday night - each of them thinks it is a surprise shower for the other one and have no idea that it is going to be for both of them at the same time. Anne's is a good shower - that being the best thing we could think of for a girl after she was married. Sally, Ruth, Teachout, Kay, and I are giving it up at Sally's house on Friday afternoon. There are just going to be about twenty girls there, and they are all going swimming before the real shower part begins. I won't be able to go up until after my test, so I guess I can't go in swimming; it's too bad that I'll have to miss it, but we couldn't have it on any other day. I got Anne some biscuit mix and some pan-cake mix for a present - I hope it will keep for a long time.

This afternoon we had a little party for Freshman girls that we would like to get interested in the house. An awful lot of them came, and some of them were just darling - those we will probably have up again. There were some rather odd ones too. One time I opened the door, and a very queer looking girl who said har name was Zee breezed in with a pair of field-glasses slung over her shoulder and a camera around her neck, and exclaimed that she had been out on a bird walk. I just about passed through the floor. Those are the kind of people you read about, but never really expect to see. We just sat around and talked to them, and played bridge and ping pong and

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



also baseball and vollyball outside. We also had to show them around the house.

I recieved the cutest card from Anna thanking me for the Easter Card. I wish you would thank her "profusely" for me. I'd like to myself, but I couldn't possibly write her anything in Spanish and have it read right. It is the only letter or anything I have ever recieved that was written in a foreign language, and I was quite thrilled to recieve one. Please tell her so.

I was awfully sorry to see you go on Sunday. It seemed as though you haddn't been there anytime at all. But I'm awfully glad you could come up for the one week-end. All the girls were terribly impressed with Margie - they all thought she was just darling. So did Al Harris, the boy she went out with on Saturday night; I saw him today and he told me to be sure and tell her what a wonderful time he had had with her; so please tell her that too.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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