




May 6, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I had just sat down to write you a letter telling about all the events of the weekend, when Ruth came in the room with a letter from her mother. They had been discussing Ruth's summer plans, and she is not going to go home this summer until the last three weeks before school starts in the fall. She is going to be a swimming councelor at a summer camp. I don't know just which one yet. Anyway her mother asked her to bring me home with her when she comes for a visit. I was so excited when she asked me that I almost went through the ceiling - I would so love to. I would almost rather take a trip East than do anything. I remember distinctly that you said last summer I could take a trip, and use some of my graduation money for it. I don't think you meant especially this summer, but I can't see that it would make much difference whether it was this next summer or the one after. I'll probably never have an invitation like this again because I don't think that Ruth is going to live in Washington after she graduates from college, and it would be just so much fun to take a trip like that. I'd go back with Ruth on the train when she goes home, and then go back to school with her. It would be the last three weeks of my summer vacation, which would mean that I would still have at least ten weeks at home. I'd thought of getting a job and working this summer, but I wouldn't want to work all the time, and I could get a job as soon as I got home until time for me to leave. I could also have the Rhapsody in Blue learned by that time if Dr. Popper keeps on wanting me to do it. I know it is probably a lot to ask to say I could go, but please don't say no - I have wanted to take a trip like that for so long, but I never really thought I would have the opportunity. Ruth said that her mother would write to you about it. She also

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



said that I would have to undergo a thorough sight-seeing tour of Washington, and that this boy, Jimmy Ruddel, would have us up to West Point for a week-end. I hope so much you won't object I'd be staying with Ruth and her mother the whole time unless I went to see Ottilie for a couple of days, or something. I can't think of anything else I should say about it to persuade you to say that I could go, except that I want to very much. The fortune Teller at Long Beach told me last summer that I would be taking a trip sometime in the near future, and you just can't go against fate. Anyway, please don't.

I must still tell you about the week-end although I can hardly remember what happened over the excitement of the prospect of Ruth's invitation. Last Friday afternoon I went to a tea that was given for Janet Spear at a very lovely little garden tea room called Allied Arts. Instead of having it a shower they just collected a dollar from every girl that was invited and bought her a lovely sterling silver platter with a dish to match. The tea was outside and they served little cakes and cinnamon toast and little pieces of bread fixed with pineapple someway, which was of course out of this world for me because I just adore pineapple. All the girls that were there with the exception of a couple were girls from the house, but it was awfully nice even though you didn't see anyone unusual because you got to sit and talk to them all without having to rush somewhere.

Friday night we went to the Sophmore Carnival, which was another function to raise money for the Convelesent Home. It was the best one that I have ever been to. Our house ran a nail pounding booth as usual. We went over about nine and came home about twelves, and in the meantine we went to all the little concessions. We threw some water bags at some poor people

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



who had to stick their heads through holes - there were also some where you threw pies at people. Then there were also things like rat races, and basket ball throwing, etc. I'm sure they must have made a lot of money from crowds that were there, and the amount of business that every booth was doing.

On Saturday morning Jane and I fixed my dress. I was certainly thrilled with it. It should fit just beautifully, after all the time and pains we took with it. The lines seem to be just perfect for me. But again please don't worry about finishing it, especially now that Anna is gone. As yet I don't have any place that I would just have to have it to wear. Saturday afternoon I spent the entire time studying. Saturday night I went to a party here on campus with Jack and Illie and Ainsley Bell. It was a wonderful party, because everyone you would want to be at a party was there. I havn't spent such an active evening talking in a long time.

On Sunday after church everyone went down to the beach, and Mrs. Reynolds send down our Sunday night supper and we ate it there. As usual all the boys went down to play football and left us alone; so Illie and I, puckered because they didn't ask us to play with them, took a long walk down the beach and collected sand dollars. We walked for almost an hour along the beach. It was awfully nice because it isn't a very populated beach and it is a very pretty one. It is a place called Rio Del Mar and is about eight miles south of Santa Cruz. We got back about six-thirty, and then I studied some more. I'm not going to be very busy this week. A test tomorrow and another on Friday and a book report on Friday too; then I get to start out the next week with a test too.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



Yesterday I just spent the day studying and practicing, and that is what I am doing today. I got up at six o'clock this morning to study my economics because I can understand things better at that hour, and I have to understand it because I only got a C on my last test and that wasn't very good. We are studying the banking system now, and it is slightly confusing.

I must go to my two o'clock class now. Please consider carefully Ruth's inviataion, and don't say no unless you can possibly help. Besides just think of all the wedding presents I'll get out of buying by not being home that time of year to attend the weddings. Also thank you again for going to all of the trouble of fixing my dress - it was certainly appreciated.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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