




May 17, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I can't very well type a letter because I have a typing lesson in the machin, and I can't take it out because I'd never get it back in if I did - and I have already done it over so many times that I couldn't possibly start over.

I have been meaning to sit down and write you before every meal or after, ever since I got your letter on Monday, and when I found that didn't work I had to get up early this morning before I got started doing anything.

I was so thrilled that you were so favorable about my trip. I couldn't think of anything else, it was very

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



unfortunate that I got it on Monday because I was studying for a test and I couldn't really concentrate after that - who could. The money I was speaking of was the money you gave me in government bonds when I graduated from Marlborough. I remember distinctly that you said last summer I could use some of it to take a trip sometime - and I would love more than anything else to use it this summer. Both Ruth and I have become so excited about it, that we talk of nothing else, and all the things we've planned couldn't possibly be done in three weeks. We planned to go on the train regardless and I'm sure, from what

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Ruth has said Mrs. Nyswander will write you. Sometimes when I think I may be going all that way, it doesn't seem at all possible, and that it would be doing something that no one else could do, which of course isn't true, but it just seems so far above everything I've ever thought I could possibly do, even though I've wanted it so much for so long. I'd be thrilled beyond anything to go, but if things don't work out so that I can, I won't be disappointed or let it bother me.

Last Thursday night Jack took me to hear Rubenstein play at the San Francisco Symphony. He played Rachmanonoff's Ted Piano concerts, which was to say the least, absolutely. I have

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never heard anyone play so beautifully. Every note and every tone was absolutely perfect. I must admit it admit it did more to discourage than encourage me though. What he did was so absolutely unattainable. The conductor, Pierre Monteux, just about went crazy when they were taking curtain calls he was so thrilled with him. In fact everyone was - he got curtain call after curtain call, but he would never play another piece.

Yesterday was sort of a big day. I went to a swimming party at a boy's house, Maxwell Jasen, out in Atherton. It was the most beautiful place I have almost ever been too. It was sort

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of an English style house with huge beautiful grounds in back. There was a huge perfectly beautiful green lawn with trees and flowers. All the grounds were beautifully kept up. Then there was a swimming pool that was rather large for a private home, with chairs and things all around. We went out at three o'clock and swam and played baseball and fooled around until about six. Then we had a barbecue dinner. The Dilts had had their dinner brought out there instead of having it at the house, and we all sat on the lawn and ate hamburgers, and then came home about seven. I was supposed to go to a shower at that time for Barbara Viavet that Phy110 Talmage was giving, but I was awfully glad of an excuse not to go because

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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