




May 21, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have just spent a rather futil evening studying economics. We are having a test on Friday covering depressions. I have simply got to do well on it because I havn't done at all well on the last two tests. But it first seems above my head. I think I understand something perfectly and then I find out that there is so much more that I never even thought about. I havn't been any more encouraged by a discussion that when on at dinner time between the two smartest girls in the house who had either flunked it or gotten a D. One of them is majoring in economics and went straight A in all of her courses last quarter - all economics courses. So I don't feel so badly at doing so poorly. However,

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



Kay got a B in the course so I feel that I ought to be able to do something. I have been studying two or three times as hard this quarter as I did last quarter with about half of the results. It is now getting slightly discouraging.

This noon I went to a luncheon for the Y.W.C.A. I had been nominated for the Office of Senior President of it, but I wasn't elected. I was very flattered that they asked me to run, and it would have been nice, but it is probably just as well, doing that I probably need all the time for studying. Mary Ellen was elected Vice-President. Anyway I havn't had much experience and the job would probably have been a little over my head. The girl that was elected evidentally has had quite

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a bit of experience. The luncheon was very nice and there was some woman there who gave a very nice little talk. I finally got to wear my red formal on Saturday night. Another unexpected formal dance came up, and I just decided I wouldn't save it any longer - it had been kept in the closet long enough. Suprisingly enough the red stars really stayed on quite securely. I also got some red stars arranged in my hair. The dance was at the same place as the one the night before and just about the same group of people were there - so that didn't make it too exciting and besides that I had a cold; so I was really glad to get home, and I had Jack bring me in rather early. However, finally having the oppor.

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tunity to wear my red formal made the evening complete.

The shower for Barbara was quite a success, but I think that Ruth and Sally and I had more fun fixing the stuff for it than anyone who came. We spent hours making all kinds of cheese mixtures and tasting them on crackers until there were hardly any crackers left for the guests. We had it up by the swimming pool and everyone had good intentions of going in swimming, but it got horribly cold, so after the presents were opened we went down to the house and played bridge.

I must go to bed now; so I can get an early start tomorrow on my economics.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



May 25, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have just come back to church and I learned that Mr. Reider was going to preach here next Sunday. To say the least I was a little surprised when the announcement was made, naturally I won't miss going.

Ruth read me a letter from her mother yesterday telling of all the things she wanted us to do if I came back with Ruth. It sounds so thrilling I really can't still imagine my going. She said in the letter that she would write you shortly, and I do hope that when she does you will be able to answer her in the affirmative. Evidentally there is going to be a world statistical conference going on in Washington during Sept. and Mrs. Wywander is on the hospitality committee. She said that she had submitted my name as well as Ruth's for being some sort.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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