




June 1, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I was so glad to learn of the favorable outcome of your trip to Santa Barbara. I had been very anxious to know how every thing turned out, and I was so thrilled to know that every thing turned out well. I am so sorry though that you couldn't find more time to visit around Santa Barbara; and I certainly hope you will really go back and stay a while like you said you were going to.

I am beginning to study really hard for finals now. I have one in comparative religions tomorrow and I have even studying almost continually for it since early yesterday morning. In fact I have read so much that it hardly seems as if I know any thing now. The test won't take very long once I get it, but it means I have to know about a thousand pages of rather difficult reading. My history test is on Tuesday

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



morning, and my econ. test is on Wednesday afternoon that I am no looking forward to at all, especially since I don't have a very good average. The last test I had in there turned out fairly well, but the other two were ones you just don't even speak about. In studying for the last test, I wrote out answers to a test of questions, and even though none of them were asked, it helped a lot in learning the material; so that is what I am going to try and do this time. Needless to say, looking forward to the next few days is not very pleasant or encouraging, but I shall do my very best. It is at least comforting to know that I havn't been wasting much time and not studying.

Last night I went to see "The Song of Norway" with Jack and Virginia Ralph. I really didn't remember too much about when I saw it before, but I was as thrilled with it as if I had never even seen it. It was really an

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



extremely enjoyable evening except that Jack had just come from a four hour final in his hardest course and wasn't feeling too gay. Nevertheless, I know that he enjoyed it too.

My last lesson with Dr. Popper was really sort of sad. He isn't going to be here until next fall and I cried when he told me, but he gave me the name of a man to study from until he got back in January. I think he is planning on taking a trip to Europe next fall. He is a Checz. and just got out of the country before the Germans arrived, so I guess he wants to go back and see his family. I asked him to be sure and not forget to send him a bill, because sometimes he does forget those little things. And he said "you know I never keep track of those things, just send me what you think you owe me". I really can't remember it either, but I think I can figure

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



it out. He probably wouldn't even remember if I never even paid him! He just doesn't ever think about things like that.

I went in yesterday to get my train ticket and they didn't have any for me for Friday, and the best they could do was Saturday on the noon Daylight. It will arrive at the Glendale station about nine-thirty next Saturday night. I do hope that doesn't put anyone to any inconvenience to come and get me, but that just seemed to be about the soonest I could get home. Illie is going to the Senior Ball with Ned Gates and so she said she would stay down until Saturday with me.

Again let me say how glad and blessed I am at the out come of your trip to Santa Barbara. I was really just a little worried.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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