




October 2, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just finished doing an accounting problem and I really feel as if I had accomplished something I have been working on the problem since about one this afternoon. I just had to draw up a ledger account, a trial balance, and a balance sheet. It really wasn't too hard, and just took so long because I was slightly confused as to the form to use. However, I do think that I finally got it figured out. I just found out today that you have a problem that averages about a hundred hours. I am not quite so sure about this course now. So far I have gotten along pretty well in my courses. There are about two hundred people in my business law class, and we have been having discussion for about three days. Just by

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



chance he called on me yesterday to discuss the difference between two cases. Luckily I had my notes before me, and got along all right, except for the fact that I didn't use all the terms I should have.

I called Dr. Popper the other day. He wasn't there, but I talked to his wife. They are not going to Europe, but she is going to sing in the Opera in San Francisco this winter, and he has been in Los Angeles on some kind of business. She said she was sure Dr. Popper called take me after New Years. I have signed up for some practice hours every day, and I have really been very good about practicing, but I don't think that I want to take on any more this quarter - besides I don't know whom it would be from. My Business Law and Accounting Courses have been taking up absolutely all of my time, to say nothing of my Public Administration course which

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



I havn't even looked at yet, and which I understand involves writing some papers. I won't take such hard things next quarter and concentrate more on my music. But I will promise to practice faithfully and keep up on my pieces.

Of course I must tell you about the week-end. Friday night I just went to the movies with Jack. We saw "Welcome Stranger," which was awfully good, and some other picture with Don Ameche in it that was just awful. Saturday I stayed here and studied, and fixed up my room. I also listened to the game which I would just as soon not have heard. All the boys came back with broken bone. However, no one expected to win the game; so we really wern't disappointed. Saturday night I went with Jack to the Officers Club at Moffat Field. We had a simply wonderful time. It was just like old home week. All the people

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that we used to go to parties with last spring were there, and it was so much fun to see them all again. Sunday morning I went to church with Jack, but we made the mistake of sitting in the balcony where we found we could neither see nor hear the minister, who was a minister from Scotland and just a little hard to hear anyway. Sunday afternoon great things happened. I went up to San Francisco to a baby shower given for Charmain Kolar Hillary. She lived in the house when I first moved in, and was vice-President of the student body at that time. It was a lot of fun going to a baby shower, mainly because I had never been to one before, and it was interesting to see what was given. Ruth and I got a little white silk bonnet together for her. I wore my brown silk dress and I don't think I have ever gotten so many compliments on a dress. They

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all said it was just about the most stylish dress they had seen this year, which certainly made me feel wonderful, and that all of our work was worth it. The last present that Charmian opened was a little pink plastic shoe toy which was a baby toy. You opened the top of the shoe and a little "puss in boots" popped out. The little puss had on a little bib on which was embroidered "Betrothed Bob and Eve." Every one was so thrilled; they have been going together constantly for five years. I do wish you could meet Eve some time. I know that you would like her so much. She is scarcely five feet tall and weighs a good deal under a hundred. Everyone calls her "midget." After every one knew, her mother, who had been hiding in the kitchen until now came out with a tray on which was a huge boquet of orchids, they were tiny little purple

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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