




October 10, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have had the nicest week-end, it was so nice seeing Bobbie and Shirley. As they probably told you everything turned out fine as far as their accomodations were concerned, particularly Bobbie. One of the girls who was planning to have a guest here didn't so I got her bed, and didn't have to sleep on a couch after all, which I must admit didn't particularly interest me. They arrived about six o'clock on Friday, and got Shirley and Janet [Struble?] settled before I went to dinner. Janet only dressed here. all kinds of excitement went on, Ann Dawson, who also spent the week-end here arrived during the middle of dinner, and just after dinner, one of

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the older girls, a Jeanne [Waters?] came in to announce her engagement. Bobbie arrived having forgotten a tie, so I fixed him up through George Grimes. Janet finally got off, and then Shirley and Bobbie did and then Jack arrived ready to go out, but all we were going to do was go to a movie; so it didn't matter too much that I wasn't ready. I then had to go out and wash the coffee cups, and go fix my bed and get Ann Dawson off on her date. Evidently the social rules are very different here than they are at UCLA and everyone got slightly confused about calling for their dates. Finally Jack and I did get off for the movies.

Of course I had a huge accounting problem gue on Monday so I tried awfully hard to do some of it on Saturday morning, but it was rather difficult seeing that Shirley and Ann were both there. Amazingly I did

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get quite a bit done. Shirley and Bobbie came over and had lunch with us. I don't think Bobbie really minded too much, because It was buffet and he didnt have to sit at a table and eat with a lot of girls. After lunch Charlotte and Joanne Muller came in and so me talked to them until game time.

The game really wasn't as bad as it sounded from the score. Of course we didn't expect to win at all, but the team looked so much better than it ever has before, sort of as if they actually had some idea of what they were doing. Everyone was so discouraged, but things do look much more hopeful now. I even think we may win a game yet this year.

We had an open house after the game. Everyone practically along the row had them; so we were afraid for a while we weren't going to have anyone there, but we were certainly mistaken.

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George [Westfall?] brought some girls from UCLA over to dress with me; so I had to entertain them for a while. Shirley and Bobbie went up to the city, and Shirley looked just darling. She had on an awfully cute purple satin suit, and a tiny little purple hat. Jack and I went to a [quiet?] party at a place called [Adobe?] Creek Lodge, where all the people from Stanford were going. It was a lot of fun.

Bobbie and Shirley left quite early the next morning. I was supposed to waken Shirley at ten to nine, so I carfully set my watch the night before, and at ten to nine I went down to get her up and found it was ten to ten. I was a little worried, but someone had awakened her and she was all ready to go. I was awfully glad they could come; all the girls though Shirley was awfully cute.

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I went to church with Jack on Sunday morning and then came home and studied until five when I had supper duty. I had rather a difficult time getting supper ready seeing that neither of the other girls who were on it with me knew how to do anything. After supper I went to a shower given for Jeanne Maynard by the sister of her fiancee. It was a surprise shower and a lot of fun. I got to see several of the older girls, that I don't get to see very often anymore. After that I came home and studied some more. I am supposed to hand in a statement tomorrow of all the outside reading I have done for my public administration course, so of course I have been reading frantically. In fact I must go back down to the library

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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