




November 4, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

My plans for coming home are still very indefinite - no one sems to be going to come down for the game I certainly want to if I can, but I can't find anyone to drive down with. [Willie?], Phyllis Talmage, and I are the only ones from the house that want to go, and we have frantically been looking around for a ride down, but as yet we haven't found one. I shall let you know immediately if I do find a ride, otherwise I guess I shall just have to give it up. I do hope though that I do not have to. Everything is set for Thanksgiving. [Loureen?] Chase, Carol Chase's older sister has asked Kay and me if we would like to

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go down with her and of course we did jump at the chance. She is going to leave Wednesday afternoon of the twenty-sixth and drive back the next Sunday about noon. Her Aunt may also be driving down with us. Jack isn't planning to go down until Christmas.

Nothing too out of the ordinary has happened lately. Last Friday night we had the annual Storey House Delt Halloween party. This is the party where everyone disguises themselves and draws numbers for dates. Then when you get out there you unmask and find out who you are with. This time everyone decided it would be funniest if everyone dressed exactly alike. We all wore blue [gowns?] and white shirts

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I did the other material. I finally got two done, and still have the third one to work on which is more confusing than ever. I shall have to spend tonight and tomorrow doing it. I got my accounting test back and as I expected I didn't do too well on it, butat least I didn't fail it. At least the professor admitted that that one shouldn't possibly be able to finish in an hour. I hope the reason that I didn't do too well was that it was just so long I got flustered - if not I don't know what happen next time, when I undoubtedly won't know the materials so well. We also had a test in Business law on Friday, on which I don't see how I could have done so poorly, but then you can never tell. It was merely a case that you had to decide, and supposedly, you could logically

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answer the question in two ways. Of course I did answer in the very way the professor said was least logical. I hate to admit it, but I am finding these courses rather difficult, but I really don't mind; in fact I am rather pleased with them, because I really feel taht I am learning something very useful.

I received a very beautiful scarf from Shirley. It was light blue. It was certainly thoughtful of her to send it, but entirely unnecessary, because I really didn't do anything for her at all - in fact I feel somewhat guilty.

I am glad you received the book, but I am sorry it didn't get there with all the others. I have heard for a long time what a wonderful book it was; it is supposed to be about the architect Loyd Wright, but since then I have heard that lots of people didn't like it because it was rather unconventional - I do hope you enjoy it.

I shall let you know if I can possibly get down this weekend.

Love to all Mary

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and paper sack masks all painted with the exact same face. It was funny, but I really liked last year so much better; there really were some tremendous costumes. However, this time there were some funnier combinations of coupes. One boy - the very shortest Delt who is about 5 feet [7?] came with one of the girls who is almost six feet tall, and with them came Phyllis Talmage, who is five feet, one with aBill Davidson who is at least six, four. They had some difficulty in dancing with each other; so finally they did switch. It really was a wonderful party,but I must admit I had a little more fun last year.

I didn't see much of the game on Saturday because it was raining and I did have a lot of work to do; so

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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