




November 17, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I had my accounting test this morning and throught that [at?] last I could breathe a little bit, and then found that I have to know all about the budget for my public administration course tomorrow. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever not have millions of things to study hanging over my head. My accounting test really wasn't so very bad, but I got rather mixed up, so I really doubt if I did very well.

The entire weekend practically was spent in sleeping and studying accounting. I just went out with Jack for a short while on Friday night. We went to a rally and then saw some movies of the

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson


game as SC the weekend before. The pictures were rather disappointing because we didn't play nearly as good a game as it looked we might be from the way it sounded on the radio. I'm afraid that I wasn't very good company because I was so tired from the week before, so I just came home and went to bed. Saturday afternoon of course I went to the game which was another disappointment because everyone was so hopeful - but I guess there just is no hope. Saturday night I went to a party given by one of the Delts for the Delts up in Piedmont. It was one of themost fabulous houses I have ever seen. It was at the end of a dead end street on top of a hill and had sort of a drive up to it

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It was a huge new house and looked as if some interior decorators had just finished with it for some kind of a display job, everything in it was so perfect, including the flower arrangements. We had gone up with Dick [Reeshort?] and Barbara Allen. Dick took us all to dinner at the Woman's athletic Club in Oakland. It was a very lovely place facing Lake Merritt and had simply marvelous food, but we were a little worried that perhaps we were a little ill because I was already so full but they had a couple of turkeys and hams and several kinds of salad

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and a huge cake, and dishes of Blum's candy - I really have never seen anything like it. The party was loads of fun - but not as much as last year because I don't know so many of the people any more - there are an awful lot of new Delts - and lots of them date Cal. girls. Sunday I spent doing an accounting problem except for a little while before dinner that Jack took me out to see a couple that I have met several times before, and then he came to dinner.

The biggest excitement now is that Ruth is pinned to Buck. She got the pin last Sunday, but didn't wear it until Monday. However, she did show it to me on Sunday night. We hid ourselves in the linen

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closet while we looked at it and of course some one came in while we were looking at it, and of course were terribly suspicious about our hiding ourselves in the linen closet; but she still didn't find out. Everyone was pleased, but not too surprised.

I feel I shall have to go down to the Pol. Sci. office and read about the budget - unfortunately it does sound rather dull.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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