




December 7, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have spent another afternoon of swaying. Dead week is next week, and then the week after that is finals; so I am getting just a little worries. I have to k now so much for all my courses. I am especially worried about my Political Science course because the Professor is a very poor lecturer and he has given practically no lecture notes whatsoever; so I really am at a loss as to know just what I am supposed to learn; he is also supposed to give very hard tricky tests. I have been spending most of my time this afternoon on Business Law. I have just one more accounting problem due on Wednesday, and then I am through with that.

I didn't have a terribly thrilling week-end last week-end. On Friday night they had some boxing matches on campus that every one went to. I must admit I wasn't too thrilled about

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



them, and a few times I just plain couldn't look. After that we got a hamburger, and then came home. Last night we saw two them, one was quite good, but the other wasn't at all. However, they did have a news real about Princess Elizabeth's wedding which I was just dying to see: so that made the evening worth while. I really hadn't heard to much from Jack last week, and I must admit I was rather provoked at him. But he never will come over and bother me when he thinks I have a lot of work to do; so that must have been the reason because last night he arrived with another box of candy for simply no reason at all: so I guess everything must be all right. Any way I had never let him know that I was provoked at him; so that couldn't have been the reason.

Yesterday I had to go into Palo Alto to get a few things,

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



and afterwards I went Christmas shopping a little with Kay, although I didn't buy anything. There were, however, several things I thought I couldn't possibly do without; I must admit though I did get home safely and am still surviving -- very strange! One thing you would simply have adored. It was a tiny handpainted China cup and saucer. It was La Mouge China and was so thin it looked like it would break if you touched it. It had a tiny little pink roses painted all over it.

Ruth is not going to be here next quarter and it makes me very sad. She just has one more quarter and since she was going home for Christmas, she thought she thought she would wait and come back spring. I think her mother isn't very well is

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the reason she is doing this. There have been two deaths in the family this last fall. She has to come by way of Los Angeles on the way back, since she can't get a train out of San Francisco. She gets into Los Angeles at six o'clock at night on the twenty-second, and leaves for Chicago at eight. I would like very much to meet her and take her out to dinner that night, if you wouldn't mind. It was very nice of you to suggest that I ask Jack over on Christmas Eve, but he won't be able to get home until that night or maybe even early Christmas morning; so I know he couldn't come, but I do appreciate your wanting to have him.

The laundry box is here. Thank you very much for sending it to me.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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