




December 16, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I have now finished two of my finals - the worst, I suppose - Accounting and Business Law. The accounting was simply awful. I feel just like a wet dishrag when I finished. There were six questions, the test lasted four hours, but regardless I had to do the last three problems in one hour. I really did study awfully hard for it. I spent about twelve hours doing all sorts of problems we had has, but I still did get awfully confused in the test, and I'm just sure I couldn't have done very well. The Business Law test really wasn't too bad. In fact I felt quite confident about it until I

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



got home and looked up a point about the sale of goods. I had based the answer to a whole question on it, and it turned out to be just the opposite of what I'd said it was. Regardless, I still don't think I could have done too badly in it. Now all I have to cook forward to is my Public Administration test which is on Friday. I am afraid I shall have to work pretty hard at it too. You probably won't recognize me when I get home, my eyes will be so deep sunk and filled with blue circles. Just the way I'd like to look for Christmas.

Of course I havn't had time to do much of anything but study. I did have a very nice time on Saturday, the only night I've been out since I've had to start studying

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



for finals. We went to an open house that a young couple - friends of Jack's whom I have met several times - gave. It was lots of fun. There weren't too many people there, mostly people that I knew from Stanford. They had an awfully cute appartment, which is awfully small, but everything in it is very new. After the open house, everyone that was there went down to Moffat field for dinner; so we had a huge dinner party of about ten couples. Later Ruth and Dielys Jones and several other people I knew came in. So it really was quite an evening. I also saw Art there. We had just come down that day from Portland where he had been working. I had quite a little talk with him and afterwards I talked just with he and Jack - very casually

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I thought that quite an accomplishment. The next day Art called and we had a long talk about his wedding. I would like very much to be able to go to it. I would like very much to be able to go to it. I would have to fly up - not just to fly up for the wedding - but I would love to have the experience of coming up to school on the plane just once. I do wish you would consider it. There arn't any mountains between here and San Francisco. I could fly up that morning with the other girls.

We also had to move our rooms last Saturday. It was certainly a mess, but really every one got done in record speed. My new roommate in Eve. She is just darling, and I know I shall have lots run rooming with her. I know we have not her, although you might not remember. She is the very tiny one. She fixed up our room; so that it really looks

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



just darling. I do wish I had time to enjoy it rather than keep my head burried in a book.

I will be coming home this Saturday on the day-light; however, it is not the regular day light - but a secondary one. It leaves about eight in the morning and follows the same route as the regular day light, but it gets in later. It gets into Los Angeles at eight o'clock; so that I will probably get into the Glendale station about seven-thirty I wish that you would check on the time; so you won't get there and have to wait or vice versa. It will certainly be good to get home, especially after this week. That is if

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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