




January 26, 1948

Dear Mother and Daddy,

It was certainly nice to be able to talk to you last Saturday. I really am rather glad that you decided to change the date of the tea. I think it will be much better all the way around to have it that time. I told Shirley to speak to you about her plans because you where making them all.

I must tell you what I did after I talked to you. Eve and I went up to the city to look at china and silver. She has picked out her silver, but nothing else, and she wanted to look, and I thought it might be best to start looking for my self now; so I can get an idea of what I like. It was really quite discouraging, because I didn't find anything that I really liked

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



except a set of Royal Wohcester (sp?) china that they had at Magnin's which I can imagine should only be looked at in a store window. They have the most beautiful and fabulous new store in San Francisco. It is completely made of marble inside and out. I was amazed to find that they really had quite a line of silver, china and glass, but of course it is only the most equisite. I probably should never have gone there. Any way we did have lots of fun looking.

Other than going up to the city, I really didn't have a very exciting week-end. On Friday night Jack and I went to some wrestling matches that they had on campus which weren't to thrilling mainly because I really don't care much for them, but he wanted to go; so I couldn't not. Besides we won by such a huge score - it wasn't

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



much of a contest. On Saturday night we really hadn't planned on doing anything special, so when he came over on Saturday night he had a bad headache from playing too much basketball - so we just didn't do anything - he did stay for a couple of hours though, and we played cards. The next day he came over in the afternoon, and we drove all around and looked at all sorts of houses. Fortunately I don't think I am going to have much trouble in getting the kind I want - eventually, that is. Anyway it was lots of fun talking about them. He also came over after dinner and stayed for a while. He is going to start giong to night school tonight. I think it lasts for about four months. He just goes on Monday nights for about three hours. Last Thursday he took Kay and me to watch him play

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



basketball. He plays about twice a week on an Industrial league, and I guess he decided he would have to take me to watch him. I made Kay go to, because I was afraid that I would be the only girl there. As it turned out I wasn't, but I didn't know anyone else. Kay insisted that Jack was the best one on the team, and of course I had to agree. None of them were terrific though, and the other team won by quite a bit.

I wish I knew what to do about Ruth's coming. I know you will probably be tired and busy, but I simply can't tell her not to come if she decides she wants to. Buck will probably be down with the baseball team and I know that he will probably take a lot of her time. I'm sure that if she does come everything can be worked out. I really though doubt if she comes so soon.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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