




February 15, 1948

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I finally got through all my tests - the only one I know about is a test in my Christainity course, and I got a B in that one. I have no idea what I did in the other ones, but I don't think I have done too badly because I did study awfully hard for all of them.

I am sorry that I didn't mention the tea that I was supposed to be head of, but I really had forgotten about it because I havn't had to do anything. All I had to do anyway was see that every senior got an invitation, and I had to wait to do that until I was told the invitations were printed, and they wern't printed because of Dr. Tressider's death. The tea was to be at the Tressider's home and

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



Mrs. Tressider was to see about the refreshments; and so there really wasn't anything at all to being Chairman of it. I havn't done a thing - and I don't have to do very much. So it really wasn't very important, and I forgot all about it when so much else was going on. They are still going to have it, but it is going to be in March now, so I guess I shall have to get busy and get the invitations out.

We had our house dance last night - it was really the most fun I have had in a long time. It was formal and I finally got to wear my blue formal. Every one just loved it - so they said - hmm. Anyway I just loved being able to wear it. About five of us all went out to dinner - Kay, Sally, B.J. and Dielys Jones, and me. We went to a place down on El Camino highway where

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



we had a private little room all to ourselves. It was loads of fun. Jack arrived with a huge box of candy for Valentine's. I gave him some playing cards with pictures of blond girls on them - mainly because I'm sure he is partial to brunettes and I thought if he had a hunddred and four pictures of blond girls he would have to like them! We had loads of fun getting the house all decorated for it with all kinds if Valentines around. This morning we had to knock ourselves out getting the house cleaned up - it was certainly a mess.

Last Friday night we went to the basketball game. It was very exciting, because we won! We were playing U.C.L.A. and we beat them by quite a score. So everyone

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



was very happy. After that we went to a little place where they showed old-time Charlie Chaplin movies - they were all just out of this world.

On Thursday night, Eve and Sally gave a surprise shower for B. J. Jones down stairs. It was lots of fun and she got about a million things including three potato mashers. Anyway it was a good excuse to keep from studying for a while.

I'm glad you saw about my pictures. I do hope that you remembered that I didn't want the large proof picture you had made up for the paper. I really didn't like that picture at all. I do hope you got the other one that I liked instead. I don't know why but I did like it so much better than the other one.

The dinner gong just rang, so I guess that I had better go down.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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