




April 9, 1948

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I was so glad to hear that you were going to have another round with the Carpenter's. I do hope thats right, and that mother won her own bridge prize, and that Mr. & Mrs. Carpenter made the lowest score of anyone - just so they will know who are the superior bridge players are.

Last night Jack got some tickets to the symphony in San Francisco. It was lots of fun going because there were lots of people up there that we knew - but the program wasn't too good. First they played a symphony by Back for strings and flutes; and I don't really like him. Then there were a man and women who sang - some of the songs they

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



sang were nice but they were all from a Chinese Opera and sung in German. I tried to translate some of the German but I wasn't too successful. Anyway I was glad I got to go - at least I got to wear my near spring outfit in full.

Yesterday I had a test in my geography course. I had read the material over several times because I felt it was going to be easier to get a good grade in it, but it seemed that he took all the questions from the footnotes, the glossary, or the map explinations. I didn't do too well. The professor I have in that course is quite young and likes to fool around with his students: so he bet Eve, Jane Smith, and me that we couldn't write down all the names of the forty-eight states in fifteen minutes.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



It seemed so easy that of course we all took hiim up on it. I got forty-five downin about the first three minutes and then I just couldn't think of the rest of them. So now I owe him a cup of coffee. I will also make a bet with you that you couldn't do the same thing.

Last Monday night there was a circus in town; so of course we all decided we had to go. It was Bailey Bros. Circus and wasn't very good - in fact it was the worst ever as far as circus go. But I went with Kay, Illie, and Sally Teachout, and we just had the best time, it was raining, and we didn't stop laughing from the time we left the house until we came back again. The best thing in the show was an elephant who balanced on his two

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front legs and a little dog that got himself locked up in a valise. Everything was old and rickety and not too safe, and the next night the circus moved up to Redwood City and the bleechers broke in one spot and injured about twenty people. When they investigated they found that the bleechers were held together by rope. Now they have a suit on them for about $100,000 - so I guess that will be the end of that one - I'm certainly glad I went on Monday instead of Tuesday.

I have a feeling that Mrs. Wheeler is very ill. She had been in the East, and they are now bringing her home, much sooner than she expected to return. And Kay is having to take a leave of absence from school to come home when she arrives. Of course

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no one talks to her about it; so I have no idea what is really wrong, but I am afraid that it must be dangerous.

I had my first music lesson yesterday - and he seemed very pleased with what I had done.

I must go to the library now and read my Shakespeare, we are having a test in there next week and I musn't get caught again.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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