




April 17, 1948

Dear Mother and Daddy,

A most exciting thing happened for me yesterday. Ruth gave me a surprise shower - it wasn't exactly a shower, but it was a luncheon and all of the girls together gave me a present. It is a four piece linen luncheon set. It is sort of an ecree color and it has the most adorable flower design embroidered in the corners. I can't explain the design very well, but it is simply beautiful. I know you will just adore it when you see it. I was simply thrilled to death. Last Thursday Ruth asked me if I would like to go to lunch with her and Sally Davies on Saturday because we used to have

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



wanted to go about eleven-thirty; so she could get back and go to the baseball game. Then we went out to pick up Sally and she wasn't at all dressed. She was just getting out of the bathtub and still had on her bathing cap. So we had to wait until she finished getting dressed. She seemed so upset that she was so late. Then a little conversation was carried on about where we would go to lunch, Ruth suggested a few places, and Sally insisted on going to a place called "Rickey's" which is by far the most "swish" place on the highway. They said she had never been there before and would like to. Later I found out that this had all been previously planned and that Sally had been waiting in the

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



bathtub for fifty-minutes. When we got there the hostess took us to the back and I didn't even think to much about that because they do have an overflow room in the back, and I just thought that was where we were going. Instead we went back to a private room and there were all the other girls sitting and waiting for us. In spite of the fact that I did suspect a little, it was still a tremendous surprise and I was so thrilled. Ruth couldn't have picked a more wonderful place to have it and we had a delicious lunch of smorgesborg and French pastry included. Ruth was certainly thoughtful about the whole thing, she even thought to ask Mary Ellen whom she doesn't really know at all.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



I had my test in Shakespeare on Friday. It really wasn't too bad, but all the questions where of the type that you had to think about when you got there. I have no idea what the professor will think about of my answers.

Friday afternoon Ruth and I drove Eve and Dielys up to the airport. They were going to Sacramento for the week-end. They let us walk way out to the plane which was taking off somewhere way out in the field. Eve had never flown before, and I don't think I have ever seen anyone so excited. It really was lots of fun to see them off.

Friday night I just stayed home because Jack had to stay in the city. Last night the Delts had their Beachcomber dance which they have every year. I think they spent all week decorating the place, for you

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



would never have recognized it. It was all hung with fish nets and palm leaves. They even had an under the ocean scene in one of the rooms. You had to enter the place through a slide. Of course every one was all dressed up. I wrapped three yards of green material around me, supposedly for a sarong, but it really looked more like a mummy outfit. I also made a huge pink and white lei. It really was quite a tremendous party, and a very active one. Everyone was completely dead when we got home.

I have just come home from church and am going to study for my Russia course until Jack comes over. I received the face lotion. It was certainly thoughtful of you to send it to me. I can certainly use it. I was glad to hear in such detail all about your party.

Love to all,


Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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