




April 26, 1948

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I know you must be furious with me for not having written you sooner, but I honestly couldn't help it. Last Thursday I had a test in global geography - in which I did pretty well, getting 92%, but practically everyone in the class got that high so it really isn't as wonderful as it sounds. The on that same day it was announced in both my taxation and Russia class that we were to have midterms on Monday. I was simply frantic, because they are my hardest courses and there is quite a bit to learn in both. If that wasn't enough, that

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



evening we found that we were going to have to put on a half hour radio show for the Stanford Radio Station. One house does it every week - they just put on a skit and sing songs, etc. Well of course they insisted that ? play the piano which meant that I was going to have to practice all week-end. I honestly thought I would never live through it. I really didn't do anything but study all week-end. I saw Jack for a little while on Friday night, and we went to a movie on Saturday night and church on Sunday, but that was all. My tests were both gastly, and I am afraid that I didn't do too well. I knew my taxation a little better than my Russia course, but I got a little mixed up in it. I was really quite upset, because

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



my tests all came last week-end because it was the most beautiful week-end ever, and I would love to have done something with Jack. He is going home tomorrow and will be back Sunday, but is then going home again. He has an interview with some one up here next Monday, but doesn't seem to want to wait around up here until then. He just finished his old job last Friday.

The radio show that we did last night was so much fun - we are going to here it tonight. They brought all the equipment over to the house and we did it here. He did a small song first for background music while all the announcing was going on. Then the announcers

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talked about Storey house for a while. Then Ruth, Dielys, and Kay sang two songs, then I had to play. They interviewed me a little first. I really was simply petrified, and I really didn't think I played it too well, but I guess it will sound alright. It will be so funny to hear myself over the radio. They interviewed some other girls and then some of the girls in the house put on a skit. The program was sponsored by Wilson's candy store in town, and every one in the program got a sack of candy. They also had some boxes of candy, one for the last engaged girl in the house which would have been me, except that one of the girls, Charline Baker announced her engagement last night, so it really was quite appropriate. This girl has a small ring in

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



volving twenty seven diamonds. It's the most fabulous thing I have ever seen. There was also what they called the candy quiz after the program where they gave a box of candy to the winner.

Kay has come up for the week - but she is not going to stay in school. She seems a little more optomistic about her mother now although she never really says anything about her being ill. She gave me a very cute engagement gift. It is a box for a dressing table to hold pins in. The outside is gold and has sort of a green plush lining.

I really don't know what to say about the Mantilla. I really think it would be very nice to wear - and I might as well, because it would be most effective,

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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