





Dear Mother,

I think that I will be able to meet you also at the train. I thought that I would take Margie out one of the nights and that we'd all do something together the other night. Since you will probably be tired on Friday night and since there is an all campus barbecue on Friday night also that I'm just dying to take Margie too I know she would have a wonderful time. I can sneak her in, but I'm afraid you couldn't come. That would probably mean that Margie and I would have to rush there right from the train, and I wouldn't get to hardly see you, but I

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


might be able to leave a little early and so see you afterwards. I am going to take you and Margie to a play on Saturday night, here on campus that should be good. I hope that these plans are alwright with you; I will tell you about my other plans for the afternoons when you get here. I am sorry about the barbecue, but I should go and I want Margie to go very much because then she can see the college as a whole. It's supposed to be the biggest function here. You can have a couple of meals here.

I'm sure looking forward to seeing you.

Love, Mary.

P.S. If Margie is wearing her red suit up, she is welcome to wear my red and blue hat.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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