




July 19, 1944

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I am sorry that I didn't mention the things which you said you wished to know about, but I just wasn't as enthusiastic about them as I was about the campus and the success of my room. About my roommates; you can't exactly call them room-mates because I never see them except when I use their room for a [hall?]. One of them is named Beatrice Bowman. She comes from San Francisco. She is awfully nice and quiet and her parents seem very nice too, but I have my suspicions about her being [gentle?]. The other girl is Marilyn [Dey?]. She is also from San

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier


Francisco. She went to a school there which would correspond with Marlborough. She is nice too; she has a very pretty face, but is a little fat. I really don't know them awfully well because I am never in my room except when studying or sleeping and there isn't anytime then for conversation.

About my teachers. My Geology teacher is a Mr. Kirbley who is entirely devoid of personality, but he is very efficient. He is fairly young and is doing some research on something; consequently, he is not too awfully interested in the class. I am really glad of this because now I can get out of the class what I can without getting too awful grades. My English teacher's name is Mr. Conley. He is the one that reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe; he has a rather dry sense of humor and is very intellectual. All the girls are in love with my Western Civilization teacher Mr. Grinnell.

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier


He looks like a combination of Frank Sinatra and George Murphy with a Bob Hope nose. He is a bachelor and only twenty-four, but he has developed his own ideas about things which, I guess is sort of unusual for a man so young. He is also very thorough. My French teacher looks like a W. Somerset Maugham character. He is very jovial and everyone likes him. His name is Mr. Naughton.

The meals here are simply wonderful. They have three huge meals a day and a great variety of food. My clothes are fine and are perfectly suited, but I am afraid that I will need - later on - some more skirts and sweaters. I got the blanket yesterday. It seems very nice but does not have

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier


much weight.

I had my medical physical yesterday and I'm OK except that I am a little anemic, but I was given some iron pills to take. I had lost a few pounds just after I came up here because of the great amount of walking (incidentally, when you send the bike, please also send a basket for it). The doctor said I was exactly the right weight but that I was not evenly distributed.

No doubt you have been hearing about the explosion near Martinez. I felt it even way down here. At the time it happened I was studying about earthquake waves and i was sure that I had felt an earthquake and was attempting to analyze it.

I must close now to go an practice. I am learning two new pieces and expect to know them by the end of the quarter.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier
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