




October 10, 1944

Dear Mother and Daddy,

The dates just arrived and I am almost ready to throw away the empty box. I have never tasted such delicious dates in all my life, neither has anyone elsein this corridor. They certainly came at an opportune time, for I have been eating every one else's food and I was certainly glad to have some to give back to them. Really all anyone ever does up here is eat - its absolutely impossible to get thin, so be prepared to feed me light when I get home.

Everyone here wore long faces on Wednesday because of the election. This is a very Republican place. We had an election night dinner and there were only about three tables for Roosevelt.

There hasn't anything new happened, for as usual I am up to my neck in homework. Mid-terms are next week and I also have a source theme due on next

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson



I am going out with a soldier tonight some where on campus but where I don't know. His name is Bob Phillips and is very nice, but I don't want to go. I'd much rather stay here and work. Tomorrow night is the night of the Roble formal. I'm going to wear my black net formal. I finally asked Bob to go. I'm really glad I asked him and I certainly owed it to him.

There are some things I'd like to have if you could get them for me. I need another extension for my lamp. Also I need 3.5 yards of 1.5 wide green grosgrain (I really don't know the correct spelling) which you can get at the dime store, they're out of it hereand I need some to fix my bulletin board. Also could you send me a yard of 0.5 inch wide black satin ribbon and a yard 0.5 inch wide light pink satin ribbon to go with my new formal. They don't have any of that here either. I'll need that by next Sat, if you could get it by that time, but don't worry if you can't.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson


November 15, 1944

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I'm so sorry that its been so long since I last wrote but I have been hibernating with my source theme for the last four days. I handed it in this morning and it certainly was a load off my mind. Now all I have to worry about is a Spanish, Civ. and Physical Science mid-term.

Last week-end was a big success. The formal dance was just wonderful. I think the main reason why I had such a good time was the fact that I had spent four hours in the Library and had accomplished a lot of work. Since it was Armistice day the dance was a Paris Victory dance and they threw confetti. When I came home my dress absolutely dripped with colored confetti. Everyone else had a lot of fun, especially Mary Ellen. She was with a very good-looking boy and she looked just darling herself.

It's been raining quite a bit up here but it has

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson


cleared up somewhat and last Sunday was the most beautiful day you've ever seen. Of course I went to church but it was very disgusting to have to stay in the rest of the day writing up my source theme.

Past Monday Dr. Tresidder came back from Canada and the East where he had been visiting some colleges. All the students went up to his house to sing Stanford songs to show that we were glad he was back. He came out and made a little speech which was very impressive. He certainly makes you appreciate Stanford.

This week-end is going to be a very exciting one I think. I'm not going to do anything on Friday night if I can help it so that I can get my homework done and clothes washed. Saturday we're going up to the Cal. vs. S.C. game. Practically the whole campus is going because Cal. invited us up to have a rooting section. It's sort of a dumb idea since we don't

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson


have any team but it ought to be fun. Sally and I are going with Jim and Bob and Gertie Kupstone (the girl who came to visit Sally between quarters) with another boy. After the game we are going to a medical school dance at the A.[R.R.?] (medical fraternity to which they all belong) house in the city. Gertie's aunt has asked us all to stay the night with her in San Fransisco so we won't have to come back that night.

We've just been hearing about all the rushing and pledging at U.C.L.A. and all the girls, Ann, Charlotte, Barbara, and Shirley went in the top three. We were all sort of sorry that we couldn't be pledging something too. As far as I can see it really didn't do them much good to abolish sororities up here because the girls are awfully cliquish. It's practically impossible not to have specified groups. I still go around with the Marlborough girls and only three or four new

Last edit 11 months ago by MatyasNiedermeier
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