


Status: Complete

November 4

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I've just gotten
back from San Francisco
where I've been shopping
all day with Sally. We
were very successful. I
got the formal I wanted
and it was 35 dollars.
I really didn't want to
pay that much if I could
help it, but I think it
was worth it and I know
you will be very pleased;
so would you please put
the money in the bank for
it. I just payed for my
train tickets home and I
won't have enough money
to cover it. Since I want
it to be my only Christmas
present, I think it will be

The dress is exactly
what I had in mind.
It's pink and black, and
extremely plain. I wanted
to get something more
standard because all my
other formals have been very
fussy and ruffly. The top
is made of pink and black
stripped satin and has a low
waist, a sweetheart neck line,

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