




November 19, 1944

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just got back from Gertie Keystone's and I decided that it was certainly about time to write you; then I shall have to begin my physical science. I certainly had a lot of fun this week end. I didn't do anything on Friday night, although they did have a big all campus rally and dance to which I really should have gone; but I had a lot of things to do and I was rather tired anyway.

Yesterday the boys came for us about twelve and it was raining. It had been beautiful weather all week, just perfect for football and yesterday turned out raining, but by the time we got to Cal. the weather had cleared up and turned out very nice, although it was a little cold. The game was quite wonderful, a little one sided but very exciting. One of the boys on the team was Marry Me Kinney whom I went out with just before I came up here. You remember the one from Oklahoma. He did some very nice playing, but I never realized that he was

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


so big. The whole S.C. team was much bigger than the Cal. team and the S.C. boys would just run into the Cal. boys and knock them down. By the time they got through they were all quite muddy. After the game was over we stayed and sang Stanford, S.C., and Cal. songs and yells. After that we went back into San Francisco and had dinner at the Shadowes which is up on top of Telegraph Hill and is a very nice, atmospheric place. We, of course, had to wait quite a while, but the food was so wonderful that it was worth it. Then we went to the A.K.K. house for the dance. The boys had to wait about an hour for us to dress, but they talked to all the old doctors who were waiting for their wives. I wore my new formal, and I am more pleased with it than ever. It's very plain, but I think it's very good looking. The A.K.K. house is the most beautiful place. It has carved oak paneled ceilings and red plush walls. Some of the walls also have morals painted on them. There is also a huge

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stairway and at the top of its landing there is a huge stained glass window about the size of an average sized wall. It certainly was impressive. The dance was quite lively there was a huge conga line that lasted about half an hour. How my dress ever came out of it alive, I'll never know - but it did, I think. When the dance was over we came back to Gertie's house instead of her aunt's. Gertie lives in Atherton which is between here and San Francisco. She has a beautiful house too. It's quite modern and has potted plants growing all over inside. This morning we made our breakfast and then came home; now for some studying, I'm sure glad I stayed in Friday and did some.

It certainly will be nice to get home again, even though it's only for such a short time. I don't think I'll want to ask anyone in for Thanksgiving dinner, because everyone will be wanting to have it with their families. I'm not just sure yet when and at what time but I will find out

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tomorrow and let you know.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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