




January 28, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well, I just got rid of Sally and Ruth after having a discussion on Civ., because tomorrow we are going to have a Western Civ. test tomorrow about the causes and results of the French Revolution and the same of the Industrial Revolution, and probably something about the change in society. I always do my best tests after I have had a discussion of this sort. Anyway here's hoping.

I don't think I told you that George drew me a picture. It's really a very nice picture, but I'm rather spoiled I guess after having seen what Bobbie can do. It's a picture of a moose which is really more exciting than it sounds. You see all the Tyler Hall boys had this little password R.T.T.M. meant "return to the moosehead". In Tyler Hall, right above the fireplace there is a great huge moose head and what they meant by return to the moose head was return to Tyler Hall to one of their little dances

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


which they have every Friday night. So I felt very flattered to get this picture of a moosehead with R.T.T.M. written on it; however, I doubt that I go out with George much more since lately he's been taking out a girl who is very much like Annette. Oh well, I have two more dates with him, and he really isn't worth worrying about.

I had a very nice week-end as usual. I put quite a bit of time in studying and that always makes you have a better time when you go out. Friday night I went to a Tyler dance with a [Bolo] Kincade. I'd never been out with him before and I didn't like him too awfully well. I went with Sally, and to tell the truth we weren't too nice because we played ping pong together most of the evening. We are partners together in the ping pong tournament and so we used up Friday night in practicing our ping pong. Saturday morning I got up early and Ruth and I went to play tenis. We played until noon and when we left the score was a tie. We have decided to play every Saturday morning. Saturday night I went

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out with Bob again. We were going to the Claremont Hotel for diner and then I supposed to dance. Jim, however, got sick at the last minute and couldn't go. The only reason we were going there was because this week-end was the last week-end Bob was going to have his car and he wanted to take us some place real nice. We didn't want to go though after Sally and Jim couldn't go with us and so we went with another med. student and his girl out to diner and to see the musical "The Merry Widow." It wasn't supposed to be a very good production of it, but I enjoyed it very much. Today I just studied, etc. and Bob came over this afternoon about four. At least I probably won't find another one as attentive as he is.

My formals are certainly going to be put into use now. I'm going to a formal dance for the next three and maybe four week-ends. Every group practically here on campus has decided to give a formal dance about now. The only thing I wish is that Bobbie would be stationed some where around here so he could come up to see me on the week-

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ends and go to all the dances with me. I could fix him up with some wonderful dates. Do you think there is any chance of his being here, at Stockton or Moffet Field or something like that. It would certainly be wonderful for me if he were. I'd just love to show him off to everybody.

I am sending some of our school papers that have my name in them. They are all last week's. I thought that maybe you'd like to read them.

Love to all, Mary

P.S. I know this is a little messy but I'm a little sleepy but I'm going to bed immediately; it isn't too late, but I've had rather a heavy week-end and I've got to get in a good rest.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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