




February 21, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I'm very sorry that I havn't written you sooner but I just had three mid-terms, one in Western Civ, Physical Science, and Spanish. I didn't have any time to study for them before the dance, so that left me on sort of a limb. I did however study them on Sunday and Monday enough- that is I went through all my notes and everything that could be studied. I think I did all right on them, all except for Civ, although I'm sure that I didn't do anything at all outstanding. In Civ, although I knew all my notes perfectly, I hadn't read far enough in the reading - And that was sort of bad. I went into the test with I very confident feeling and came out rather discouraged.

The dance came out very well, for which I was very thankful. I was a little worried at first that not enough people were going to come, but there was such a crowd there that every time you turned around you

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


bumped into someone. I certainly felt important running around, especially when they couldn't pay the orchestra until I O.K.ed it. In fact I had to O.K. just about every thing with which I was busy all afternoon. We worked in the gym from eight in the morning until about six. We spent from 8 to 4 trying to lower the ceiling of the gym, with blue butcher paper. It would have worked but we got off to a bad start and we had rather a difficult time trying to make the thing work, so we had to give it up. The fire chief was standing there with a rather disapproving look on his face and just as the ceiling went crashing to the floor he said he thought that the paper was to heavy for the wire. Everyone laughed at that. We were a little disappointed, but it couldn't be helped. The rest of the decorations were cute anyway. Along a side wall we had a yellow brick road with scenes along it from the land of Oz like the poppy fields and the houses with

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faces and the witches. The yellow brick road came down from that side and went along the front of the orchestra then turned and went up the front wall were it ended in a back drop of the emerald city with a great big rainbow behind it. We also had large figuress of Dorothy, the tin woodman and the scarecrow. It was really quite effective and in the middle of the evening Kay, Ruth, and about three other girls sang some songs from the movie "The Wizard of Oz." They sang very well and I think that it was awfully cute. I got awfully tired and with my cold and everything I really didn't feel much like going, but when I got there I had a wonderful time. It didn't do my cold any good though and so I stayed in bed almost all day Sunday and studied for my tests.

Tomorrow is Washington's birthday and so we get a holiday, and Bob is going to take me to see Othello tomorrow night. It's with Paul Robson, but

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I'm afraid I don't know much about Othello or Shakespeare

I think that I shall go up to the boathouse now. Its a wonderful day and since there are no classes tomorrow every one is up there.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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