




February 21, 1945

Dear Mother,

Thank you very much for sending me my cotton dresses - The weather up here is just lovely, and its real warm, probably much nicer than it will be in June. They havn't come yet, but I will let you know as soon as they do. But please could you send me my bathing suit and do you think I could buy some play clothes. That is all anyone wears around the dorm and up at the boathouse where you spend most of your time when you arn't in class. I don't have any and I have to borrow them, and even though I will only borrow peoples' old ones I don't like to borrow clothes at all - so do you think I could buy some here. When you send me my bathing suit could you please also send with it my sunflowered material that is in my second dresser drawer at home. Sally, Kay, Ruth, and I are concockting some idea to do with it and I shall sort of need it before March 3rd.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


The suit you picked out for Marjorie sounds just darling and I'm sure I'd love it if you had one like it made up for me - I hope that I havn't asked you for too much

Lots of love, Mary.

Mother -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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