




April 5, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just got back from a reading conference and am now going to a gym class. I've started to take a reading development course which I hope will help me to read faster. It will be very good if I can get something out of it and I'm certainly going to try for I am going to have a lot of reading to do this quarter, and I will just never get it done unless I improve my reading speed. I have one two-hour class in it a week and an individual conference with the instructor so I ought to be able to do something with it. I'm also taking Sociology, Political Science, and Spanish. Sociology and Political Science are just wonderful courses but I doubt if I will be able to get a very wonderful grade in either of them since there are so many upper division students in the class. Especially in Political Science, there is only one other Freshman girl in the class and many of the students have had several political science

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


courses before. Nevertheless I know I shall enjoy the course. Sociology is really awfully interesting. I hadn't much of an idea of what it was all about, but it certainly is interesting. I sort of hate to speak about my grades for last quarter. I got a B in French, a B in Western Civ, a C+ in Spanish, and a C in Physical Science. I realize that it isn't to good, although I'm sure I could never have done better in Physical Science, it was so confusing, and I'm glad that it is over with. I guess I could have done better in Spanish too but the professor was awfully hard and he only gave one A and one B in our class, so I don't know; anyway I'm going to try and do better this quarter.

It's a wonderful day today, its very hot, and every one is up at the boathouse. I have just had reports that Bob is up there in the middle of a circle of girls, but I think I shall go practice my music lesson. I went to the boathouse yesterday and it was just wonderful. I went in swimming

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


at five-thirty and it was very nice except that naturally since I don't have a cap my hair got all wet and I had to be back and dressed for dinner at six. I hade it in sort of a fashion.

When I came back I forgot my bathing suit, so I would appreciate it if you would send it to me when you send something else. I would also like another bank book - I don't think my room and board will be as expensive this quarter.

I'll write again soon but I must be off to practice for Mrs. Belenky now.

Love to all, Mary.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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