




April 13, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy, The most wonderful thing has just happened. Last night the Delta Gammas asked Ruth Sally, Teachie, Kay, and me all up to their house for dinner and to spend the night. You know that there is a lot of controversy going on now about where all the Freshman girls are going to live. The way you are going to find out where you live next fall is by drawing by lot. You put down your list of preferences, and to get your first, second, third, etc. preference according to how high the number you draw is. Sally Sutch and I are drawing together. Teachie and Kay are too, and Ruth is going to draw with anyone. You are allowed to draw with a roommate if you want to. We are all going to put down the same preferences so that we will all have a better chance of living in the same house. Naturally all the girls are going to want to live in the sorority houses - So do we. We want to live at the Delta Gamma house most. Delta Gammas and Kappa used to be

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


the best houses up here and they still have the best girls. We think that maybe the D.G.'s would like us to live with them or else they would never have asked us up to their house, least of all to spend the night. We all had the most wonderful time while we were there. The girls are all the most wonderful girls you can imagine. They are all so friendly and natural and funny - we were just laughing all the time - and you will probably be glad to know, fewer of them smoke than in any other living group here. They were all so nice to us and we had a simply wonderful dinner and then they had a little cocoa party for us at ten thirty. Then they put us all to bed and got us all up in time for our classes this morning. They have the most wonderful house, just darling little bed rooms and everyone sleeps on a sleeping poach and in the morning you just go down and tell the cook what you want for breakfast and eat in the kitchen and you can go into the kitchen and any time that you want to. Anyway I just

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


can't praise it enough - And all we can talk about now is how we can arrange it so that we can all live there. I just couldn't say enough about the place, and it was all very exciting because we were all sitting in one of the girl's rooms talking when I girl came in and said "a long distance call for Mary Lesnett" and I nearly fell flat on my face. It was Clark and he asked me much to my amazement to go to a formal dance

I must go and try to do some homework now if I can possibly keep my mind to it, but I've just been so excited - last night was the first night I've slept in a really soft bed for a long time but I was so pleased with everything, I just couldn't go to sleep. I'd rather you wouldn't speak of this to Mary Ellen's mother or any of the other mothers for that matter, for as far as I've heard of we are the only girls who have been asked up to spend the night at a house.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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