




April 28, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well mid-terms are upon me - I had my Sociology mid-term last Thursday. I'd studied real hard and I don't think that I did too badly on the test - but then you never can tell. It was so long that I just had to rush through it and I didn't get a chance to go over it at all. Next Tuesday I have a Political Science and Spanish test. It's so hard to study for them because there is always so much going on. This afternoon is a Water Carnival, tonight I'm going out with Bob and tomorrow I have to go to some open houses that the sorority houses have to give for all the Freshman girls. I'm practically living in a whirlwind - It's so bad too because I really very interested in my subjects and I'm very anxious to get a lot out of them and I really enjoy the class lectures, but absolutely noone studies this quarter Everyone always goes up to the boathouse every day, but I havn't been up there at all during the week. I've just gone up on Saturdays and sometimes

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on Sunday afternoons and that really is an awfully good record. But I really quite discouraged because I want time to do all my work thoroughly but no one ever gives me the time, because they are always dragging you off to something. I remember I always used to gripe because I never had any social life, now I'm afraid I have too much and I just can't allow my grades to fall as low as they did last quarter.


Everything turned out wonderfully - The Water Carnival was just beautiful and I finished taking up my colored film - I'm glad that I'd saved it for something worth while. Every living group built a float on a canoe or some canoes and floated them past the grand stand which was the boathouse fixed up with some bleachers. They were really just beautiful floating on the water with flowers dripping all around. Some of the floats were really very professional. There was one whose theme was "She's only a Bird in a Guilded Cage."

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and they had a girl sitting in an old fashioned costume in a yellow bird cage with a man singing to her. There was another one, which was supposed to be a merry-go round and there was a little red and white flower canopy and underneath there were four girls bouncing up and down on little paper horses. There was also a whale made over a canoe and the whale spirted water and rolled his eyes, he was called "Jonah and the Whale" and Jonah was swimming around out in front. The floats were really all very clever and I was surprised when I saw them because they were so good. After the floats there were all sorts of canoe races and swimming races but I didn't get to stay very long for it because I was going up to San Francisco to see "Harriet." I went up with Kay and a boy named Bill Skogg that I got her a date with a couple of weeks ago and which seemed to turn out quite well, and Mary Larkin and another med. student.

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We went up on the little local train and met Bob at the station. He was in a lovely mood because some one had run into his beautiful car while it was parked out side his house and had absolutely wrecked it and he had no idea who had done it. We went out to dinner, but before we went I made them take me to the St. Francis Hotel so that I could see some diplomats - they could probably all have killed me but I made them wait around for I while and I finally did get to see some Mexican and Chinese diplomats - We had a wonderful dinner and then went to the play - The play was certainly wonderful too, but I think it probably would have been slightly uninteresting if Helen Hayes hadn't been in it. it was really awfully funny in parts especially Harriet's father - There was quite a bit of propaganda in parts but that was really very educational, um - Anyway I certainly enjoyed it and I feel very pleased with myself when I enjoyed something very

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cultural and that Margie would definitely turn her nose up at.

Today was a very beautiful day - I went to church with the girls and wore my new blue suit and the great big old black hat. No one said a thing about my suit, but every one had something to say about the hat - well - well. After I came back from church I did a lot of things I had to do here and then went to all the open houses on the row - Sorority Houses. The houses all have to give them to get acquainted with the Freshman girls but I already know the girls in the sorority houses where I'd want to live. The girls on the row have all been awfully nice to me but I just know I shall never get to live were I want to because there are about eighty places on the row for girls to live and at least four hundred girls who want to live there. It's all awfully discouraging, but its very comforting to know that if there had been sororities, the best house at

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